Västerås beats Leksand – climbs the blackboard


Västerås is one of the most important hockey teams in Sweden. On Wednesday, the team earned its sixth win in seven games – beating Leksand at home.

But there was no sure victory for the home team.

Lukas Zetterberg gave Västerås the lead in the first half, but Johan Porsberger was assured that the post was recognized for two minutes in the second.

After two quick goals in the middle of the second period, Västerås qualified for the final with a 3-1 lead. Jesper Ollas reduced the score for Leksand at the beginning of the third period – and the team was looking for a final receipt. But Västerås resisted and won.

For Leeksand, the result meant the third consecutive loss.

"It's a disappointment that we can not all be in one.We are a little late in the finals," said coach Leif Carlsson in C More.

"It's black on white, we have to find a way to win games.

Lindelöf: "Can make them fall"

Alexander Lindelöf was noted for a pass and a goal for Västerås.

"It's just fun, we're doing a good game, we'll be back in the third period, but we show we're a good team and we can hit Leksand, they have a lot of pucks but they do not take as much positions, "he told Hockeypuls.

The back was happy that the team could have bounced back after the heavy 4-5 defeat against Björklöven last time.

"It's important to bounce back quickly after a defeat, just forget the match for Bjöklöven and focus on that.Everyone comes back with a smile on their lips and warriors," Lindelöf said.

Coach Thomas Paananen would partially pay tribute to the efforts of his opponents.

"I'm glad we managed to tie the bag together, there are small margins, Leeksand is good.

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