Volunteers want help in Färila – donate


Biscuit, fruit, several slices of snuff, medicine, tape. The list can be long on what individuals have given to those who work with the forest fires in the municipality of Ljusdal.

The commitment is great and people come with goods on Sunday. Some police and firefighters pick up goods in a basket.

– It's amazing and something I've never seen before, says Robert Lindström, a police officer from Västmanland.

More: How to see forest fires out of space

Åsa Nordin, one of the coordinators, tells us that it all started with different Facebook groups where people wanted to help with different supplies.

– We started collecting goods a week ago. After a few days, we realized that we needed a bigger room and then we had to use the People's House or "People" as we call it, she said.

  Aerial view of the fire in the municipality of Ljusdal
Aerial footage of the fire in the municipality of Ljusdal [19659010] Photo: Maja Suslin / TT

] Hans Nornholm, operations director of the Ljusdal initiative, said to have had "the best night to date". The work of limiting the success of fire with the help of fire hydrants is described as successful. But the situation is still critical and if the heat wave takes a new hold on the municipality, the fires can take a new strength.

Read more: Critical Rescue Service Evacuated

This is something that collection site coordinators know well.

– Right now we have several layers of necessities and that's good enough for those who are on the ground. But it's going to end. The work on the fires will last a long time and we will stay as long as we need it, "explains Åsa Nordin.

More: Forest fires in the country – the situation right now

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