War war hurts: fewer men call themselves feminists


SWEDEN The proportion of men aged 30 to 64 who call themselves feminists has been halved since 2014. This study shows a new survey by Svenska Dagbladet / Sifo. One of the possible reasons is that feminism is perceived as increasingly exclusionary.

Four years ago, nearly 50% of men called themselves feminists. This year, the survey is around 25%, which is about the same as in 2010.

For women, development has been reversed – more and more, they look like feminists. The largest increase occurred between the ages of 15 and 29, with 72% of respondents calling themselves feminists. For all women, this share is about 55%.

According to experts interviewed by Svenska Dagbladet, this polarization is due to the fact that feminism has a stronger left link than before.

"I think that many men know that feminism has become more exclusive, that it is a kind of identity in a world of political ideas. left larger, "said author Nina Åkestam.

The # metoo movement is another factor that may have contributed to the reduction of men's support for feminism.

"There has been a lot of talk about men hanging around, which means that feminism was perceived as something negative," said Kristina Fjelkestam, professor of gender studies at the University of Stockholm.

The Sifo survey shows that it is very common for supporters of the left to call themselves feminists (87%), while the reverse is true for Swedish Democrats (15%). In metropolitan areas, consider yourself feminists, while in southern Sweden this figure is closer to one-quarter.

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