Warm interiors can lead to lower rents – News


Really high indoor temperatures? Then you can, as a renter, require compensation from the landlord, for example in the form of a reduced rent. He informs Lena Andersson, the Linköping Public Prosecutors' Association, that P4 Östergötland was the first to report

But to compensate, special circumstances are needed – as well as evidence that internal temperatures have become too much high.

"explains Lena Andersson to the Tenant Association

In cases where the tenant and the landlord do not agree, a case may be brought in court

. She says,

But in the summer of 2018, which has been very hot up until now, tenants can have a lot of trouble getting paid.

– A normal summer should not be more than 26 degrees inland and under shorter heat waves, you can tolerate up to 28 degrees according to the recommendations of public health authorities. But in the summer it is exceptionally hot and even at night, says Lena Andersson.

It continues:

– In these conditions, even when SMHI warns him, it is a little difficult to entrust the responsibility to the owner without a man

However, if the fans or portable air conditioners n & # "Do not help, renters should report it," she says.

– If you do not get an answer from your landlord and have big heat problems, you should try to protect yourself.

Over the years, she has been involved in rental rents that had a clean frame of sauna heat.

– We have had cases where we measured 40 degrees. But then you suppose that there is something wrong with the construction of technology.

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