Warning: oil has landed – Pages


Already Saturday, the situation deteriorated when strong winds caused the displacement of the Makassar road, which was due since Monday, and the leakage of more oil. But it was during the Sunday that it became really serious when the ship suddenly moved away from the ground.

– While she dodged, great forces set in motion and she broke the tracks that the Coast Guard had left around. The oil we had collected we had started to pick up and then this oil was loose. "We had uncontrolled emissions," says Johan Norrman, chief of the coast guard's operational department.

The Coast Guard worked extensively with the rescue service all Sunday to combat oil spills at sea, by boat and by boat. "width =" 768 "height =" 444 "title =" Kustbevakningens oljesaneringsbåt full var olja när den kom in till hamnen i Flatvarp. "/>


The Coast Guard boat was full of oil when it arrived at Flatvarp harbor

– It's hard and tough work, but it becomes even more difficult and more expensive when it is down.

would be landed in the afternoon when oil fled into the land at Flatvarp. It was unexpected when the forecasts indicated that the oil would travel south or west. Instead, the oil ended at Flatvarp, which lies northwest of the ship's position.

– We received oil on the beaches. We had bigger pieces of oil and then a finer, shimmering oil, "says Johan Norrman, who could not really say what kind of oil had landed

What do you recommend for housing in the region? 19659015] BILD: Frida Westergård


Rescue Service Collaborates with Coast Guard

– Avoid breathing vapors from this oil and avoid running oil over the body. If you smell vapors, go to a place where there is fresh air and place it on your hands or face, try to wash it as quickly as possible with water and water. soap.

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– We used it today with oil sanitation at sea and it is incredibly dirty from top to bottom, and it was clean before. If you get an image, you have an idea of ​​the severity of this work and it takes a lot of effort at the Coast Guard, says Johan Norrman

How much are you at work now?

<img src = "http://img2.ntm.eu/om/public/img/5392651/0729212354/olja-fargar-flatvarps-klippor?w=980&h=551&anchor=topcenter&bgcolor=222&scale=both" alt = "] BILD: Frida Westergård

– We are strengthened and I do not want to enter the exact number but on the 50s.

The rescue service in Västervik requested and received the help of the Armed Forces and early Monday morning comes the man of 50 on the flat radio to help with the sanitation work.

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Joakim Jansson, Municipal Security Officer

The amount of oil that escapes from the ship is not clear, but it is estimated that it was about 14 tons during the day.

– Between 50 and 75 tons of oil The thoughts that can come out, said Joakim Jansson, security officer at the municipality of Västervik

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Jerry Thörn has a summer house in Flat Radio and saw the oil on the rocks.

– You think it's tragic. It's such a beautiful archipelago, and it is so.

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Do you feel worried?

– Yes, of course. Both for wildlife and if you can continue to swim here.

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