We are Dalarna can move the demonstration – because of the NMR


The organization of non-violence and peace "We are Dalarna" was denied to Ludvika where the Nazis are from the NMR

The decision of the police was motivated by "public order and security. "

It's very strange. It looks like they can not guarantee the safety of people who want to spread love, "says Elias Lodin of" We are Dalarna ".

On Saturday, the anti-racial network "We are Dalarna" will demonstrate at Storgatan in Ludvika. An application for a demonstration permit was sent during the planning of the meeting.

On Wednesday, the answer came from the police and it became a no to the surprise of the members.

– We were denied the place we had requested for "consideration of public order and security," said Elijah Lodin of "We are Dalarna."

"Want to create a positive mood"

Police two other places further. The reason is that the Nazi organization NMR has permission to be at the place where it was requested for the first time.

– We decided to pick the least bad place, which is still on Storgatan, but far from it, says Elias Lodin.

What is the purpose of a demonstration?

– Raise the cityscape and spread a little love. Offer positive messages in Ludvika

But if the NMR had not been there, did you still demonstrate it?

– Yes, we had done it. We want to create a positive atmosphere

What do you think of the decision of the police?

– I think it's very strange, but I do not know what is the basis of their evaluation. But no matter, I think it's a strange motivation, considering who we are. It seems like they can not guarantee security and public order because of people who want to raise the cityscape and spread love.

Police: "Rules to follow"

Lars Lindahl is responsible for the Dalarna police. He has a vacation and can not answer how the police reacted to the individual case, but usually says how it can go.

1 of 3 | Photo: Ulf Palm / TT / TT NYBYRÅN

– In the case of NMR, they sought licenses corresponding to what political parties are demanding for electoral cottages. Now they do not have a booth of choice, but it's a similar state, he says.

Why are we Dalarna moving now?

– Yes, it is because the NMR is where. You do not remember a permission given for someone else to be there. I have never been to that. There is a reason why "We are Dalarna" wants to be there.

Is it advisable to grant the NMR such a state of this state when we know that there will be problems?

– We have a regulatory framework to deal with. If this is not the case, there will be a call, then the administrative right and we will touch our fingers. So what you think of their political opinions is a completely different question.

Discussions after Gothenburg

Political Week in Almedalen challenged the police action from several sources. Many have severely criticized the fact that NMR has been allowed to be there. A state that led, among other things, to the involvement of RFSL in fear of the Nazis.

The public's fear of the Nazis in the RMN is not an argument for not giving them a state of demonstration, according to police chief Lars Lindahl. so that it often causes system malfunctions, you can deny them permission. But in Dalarna, the NMR itself was never disturbed by anything when it was allowed. They were scared and kept the instructions they received under the permit. If there was a failure, he was linked to other organizations, he continues, and continues:

– There is no defense for them, but it is us difficult in Dalarna to say "NMR is not allowed to are thieves."

Historically, the police refused permission to the Nazis as demonstrated. Why can not we do it today, has the regulation changed?

– We had discussions about what happened in connection with the NMR demonstration in Gothenburg (where several Nazis were arrested, red.) Might be willing not to give them permission in Dalarna, but it did not work.The lawyers learned that they had to put him in Dalarna because we could deny it.We were ready for the trial, but our base is strong.

The decision of the police to grant NMR permission to Ludvika between 2 July and 30 September was appealed by Unika Ludvika Handelsplats AB and two other unnamed persons. Appeal in a verdict on July 18

Three headings – July 26 00:29

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