We should investigate the race in more ice halls



We should investigate the race in more ice halls

The Zinkensdamm ice cream shop in Södermalm in Stockholm was closed with immediate effect on Friday because of the risk of racing. Now, the city of Stockholm announces that more ice halls can be unstable, reports the local newspaper Mitt i.

The ice hall at Zinkensdamm in Södermalm in Stockholm was closed because the building is on unstable ground and is in danger of raging. Now, more rooms will be checked.picture: Henrik Montgomery / TT

"We will check all the similar building rooms because of what happened," Linda Laine, press secretary of the property office, told the newspaper.

Linda Laine has no information, but the municipality has already identified a room with similar problems.

"At Sätra Ice Hall, you've also seen some movement on the ground, so we're looking at it more closely," she told Mitt i.

The closure of Zinkensdammhallen is difficult against a dozen compounds. Stockholm already lacks a lot of ice halls and if the Sätrahallen is forced to close, all that remains is old Hovet. Johan Garpenlöv, deputy coordinator and future successor to Rikard Grönborg, is in a Twitter post for strongly criticizing the ice hockey district politicians.

"It's a fan of scandal! What's the problem? It's now bad for politicians to make sure that young people have ice surfaces on which to exercise the funniest sport in the world! Sharpening! ", He writes according to Aftonbladet.

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