Well-managed streets close when district heating networks are replaced – News in Kalmar – 24 hours a day


Now that the year 2018 is rounded begins Kalmar Energy its work on the replacement of district heating lines from 1978 in the center of Kalmar.

"The technology used for remote heating pipes and their laying in the ground has obviously evolved since 1978. We have been laying the old pipes for 40 years and this intervention is a natural part of our maintenance of the remote heating system. , she says Daniel Norén who is responsible for the heating network of Kalmar Energi.

1.3 km of old Concrete culverts will now be replaced by modern district heating pipes. Work began on Tuesday.

"We had good cooperation with the municipality during the works, there will be traffic disruptions at these locations during the specified weeks, but a good traffic reorientation plan has been developed," said Daniel Norén. .

According to Kalmar Energi, customers of the district heating system will not be disturbed by deliveries during the construction period. On the other hand, both traffic routes come Erik Dahlbergsvägen and Lorensberg Trail be affected during the work.

"Kalmar is developing with new areas, and it is good that we are in close contact with different actors so that we can collaborate and do all the work at the same time, like this time on the bike path in Old Rifa. we return with the field work, avoiding the need to dig up and redo the work ", concludes Daniel Norén.

Maintenance work should be completed by the end of May 2019.

Photo: Kalmar Energy

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