Why do not you flirt with women, Ulf?


In many ways, stars are good for moderates. In the new country of the party with three blocks, M is now the sun as the planets turn, as SD prefers Ulf Kristersson as prime minister in front of Stefan Löfven.

Kristersson is also the leader of the party in which the electorate has the highest confidence. It is a qualified rhetoric, which was highlighted at the beginning of Almedalen on Sunday night, so clever that S has nodded to all requests from Prime Ministers except Expressen TV in May.

According to the M-Chancellor, there were requests for talks between Kristersson and Löfven of Aktuellt, TV4News, Morning Study, Agenda, Studio One and P1 Morning. All must be refused. Löfven will not pass the test.

Even moderators have found homes in several key areas such as migration policy and law and order.

The election this fall is largely a choice of well-being [19659006] Nevertheless, it does not raise for moderates in the public opinion. One possible interpretation is that the moderators have regained their old identity and given new courage to their own sons. But the party has no strategy for attracting voters from the SD and attracting S. voters

The moderate classics is hardly bigger than a party to 19%.

When Fredrik Reinfeldt launched the New Moderates, the ambition was to make the party attractive to S voters. Prior to the 2006 elections, M promised that for every crown S would promise to help social, M would bet at least as much.

The kind of offer is the best choice for the electoral movement. But falling in autumn is largely a choice of well-being. According to SKL, state grants to municipalities and county councils will have to be reduced to 37 billion Swedish crowns by 2021 (plus 10 billion in debt).

However, money is not enough for more hands, but only to maintain today's personal density in school, care and care . What is the demographic pressure due to the increase in the number of elderly people and the rapid growth of the population? An even more difficult challenge will be meeting recruitment needs.

The equation does not go hand in hand

Nevertheless, moderates choose to opt for a choice of new tax cuts of more than 40 billion. In addition to a sixth deduction of tax on labor, the party has now ended the so-called retirees tax, ie the difference between the employees and retirees.

In addition, moderates want to significantly increase their long-term financing. Although M has a huge list of savings – such as the excellent proposal of capping grants – it is difficult to reconcile the long wish list with the historic needs of well-being until the end of the year. in 2037, when the demographic pressure is relieving.

The equation just does not fit together.

The state of school, care and care was apparently absent in Kristersson's speech, with the exception of waiting lines at the BUP. But if the moderates want to attract women and / or S voters to the elections, we can not afford to delve into the issues of well-being.

Read also: Why Magdalena Andersson (S) hides the cost of the bomb?

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