Wilhelm saved two of a ship on fire outside Halmstad


A boat with two people on board was suddenly burned in Laholms Bay on Wednesday afternoon.

It could have been very bad if it was not for the fast heroin effort of two people.

– First of all, I thought about what burns? When we got closer, we saw that there was a boat burning, said Wilhelm Bäckman Winald, who was the first on the spot

On Wednesday afternoon, swimmers from the eastern beach saw how the flames and smoke broke on the horizon.

Upon closer inspection, they discovered that there was a boat that burned at sea in Laholms Bay, near Halmstad.

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Wilhelm came out with his boat and helped the men.

Real Sea Rescue

Very early, Wilhelm Bäckman Winald, who was aboard a motor boat, suspected that there were people who needed help from the rest of the country. ;emergency. Therefore, he did not hesitate a second to go up the anchor and to act in maritime rescue.

– We were swimming at the beach by boat, and had a family lying on the beach. Magnus, my girlfriend's father, said we should go, says Wilhelm Bäckman Winald.

While bathers called the rescue service, Wilhelm Bäckman Winald and Magnus Persson made their way to the burning ship.

– We saw a very dark and powerful smoke. First and foremost, I thought about what burns? As we got closer, we saw that there was a boat that burned, says Wilhelm Bäckman Winald.

Be tired and shocked

As they approached the burning boat, two people jumped into the water and managed to swim about 40 yards from the place.

– They were already swimming far enough away from the boat, so there was no risk we would be near the boat, said Wilhelm Bäckman Winald, who filmed the entire rescue.

Their quick heroism was, at least, appreciated by the two people who were in the water. They were shocked and tired, said Wilhelm.

– They were more tired because they were swimming there for 20 minutes. Now it is hot in the water, but they have towels and so of us.

"Acting from the Right"

Birgitta Eckermark, of the Maritime and Air Rescue Center, acknowledges that they are quite right.

– The sea rescue company was in place seven minutes later. So it was great that those in the area were quick to act and pick up people who were in the water, "she said.

What caused the fire on the boat is still not clear. Witnesses who were in the neighborhood said it looked like a bomb when the boat suddenly caught fire.

– He (one of the people who was on the boat) described it as the engine was blown up, which seems to match other women who said it sounded like a bomb. He said the engine was just starting to burn, explains Wilhelm Bäckman Winald.

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