Winds caused oil leaks from the vessel in Västervik


The new oil spill was limited, thanks to counties surrounding the ship. The Coast Guard had units on the site to clean up the oil on Saturday.

Coastal monitoring also continues to extend its resources to the ocean. Ships, planes, personnel and environmental protection equipment have been installed in the area.

– No island in the immediate area is threatened by a spill of oil yet. We are mapping the ocean with the help of one of our specially equipped planes and we are looking at which tank the oil can come from, "says Roger Gebauer, Rescue Officer, in a press release.

The Makassar Highway cargo ship, founded in 19459005 in the Tjust archipelago north of Västervik, is surrounded by tracks that absorb and limit oil spills. All of the vessel's lower oil tanks must be emptied before recovery of the vessel becomes applicable.

The transport agency is now waiting for the approval of a rescue plan that will help on the spot. During Friday, the model calculation process began the stability of the ship.

However, the Coast Guard does not know when the calculations required to begin recovery work are complete. This is only when all the requirements are met that the Ship Inspector of the Transportation Inspectorate can make a decision regarding the rescue.

– We are serious about the situation and are ready for recovery as soon as possible. Our goal is that the near environment will be spared by oil, "says Roger Gebauer in the press release

Even in the evening and at night, the winds in the area are expected to decrease.

The freighter, which sits under Panamaflagg, was traveling to Södertälje with a ticket en route for Monday morning. The ship's superintendent was later arrested for the navy.

On board the ship, there are 333,000 liters of fuel oil, 38,000 liters of lubricant and 34,000 liters of diesel.

The ship sustained significant damage to the harbor and the water entered two tanks.

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