Winter 2018/2019 – it will be, according to the forecasts of DMI


Winter 2018/2019 colder than normal, according to DMI

Be careful, the Siberian blouse is on the way.

In Denmark, predictions for snow cannons, high pressures and the risk of fall from the spine in winter are now prominent.

"Compared to the mild winters of the 2000s, I think it's relatively cold," said Martin Lindberg, a meteorologist at DMI.

Do you remember last winter?

On average, it was milder than normal, snow-covered and ended in February with a cold, icy bud.

Now the fall is on its way. Winter is coming back – and with a message, according to Denmark's long-term forecasts.

The winter of 2018/2019 seems generally cooler and drier than normal, which reflects the forecasts of the Meteorological Institute DMI.

In December, there is strong pressure from the East coming from snowbound Siberia and bringing cold.

"I think it will be cold in late November and early December, and then it will probably be a milder period," said Martin Lindberg, meteorologist at DMI.

"The snow cannons have just bombed"

Although the cold does not really settle in December, Martin Lindberg thinks that the month can still offer good snow.

"It looks like we're going to have stronger, stronger pressures, then we're going to have cheese wind and north-east, and that's when you can get so-called snow cannons that only bomb along the coast, "says Martin Lindberg.

He thinks it's later this winter that the real cold is coming – and that it's probably going to last a long time.

1 of 3 | Photo: Martina Holmberg / TT / TT NYBYRÅN

The winter in Sweden should be colder than normal.

In this scenario, it is crucial to know if the polarviral can remain intact and keep the air really cold in the Arctic. However, according to Martin Lindberg, many suggest that the polar spine collects and bursts.

"If the polarviral breaks down in late December or early January, it can be very cold, then it's not a few days without several weeks in a row with the cold, I think it'll be cold late January and early February, he says.

"Relatively cold winter"

He does not think that there will be a lot of snow in January and February, but the cold will bring down the rainfall.

Martin Lindberg points out that this type of long-term forecast is uncertain. But overall, he thinks the December temperature will be normal, January will be normal or a little colder than usual and February will be colder than normal.

"Compared to the mild winters of the 2000s, I think it's relatively cold," he says.

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