Woman found dead in Eskilstuna – a man arrested for murder


On Saturday evening, a woman was found dead in an apartment in the center of Eskilstuna. Police arrested a man who was in the apartment suspected of murder, says the Eskilstuna Courier.

Just before 9:00 pm Saturday night, police were alerted to the apartment, which according to Eskilstuna Courier is in the residential area of ​​Årby in Eskilstuna. In the apartment, besides the dead woman, there was also a man

– If I understand correctly, the man himself called and alerted the police, said Joel Gerdin, commander, at the Eskilstuna Kurir. According to police records at Eskilstuna Courier in the 70s, the man is in his sixties. Both are written at the address where the woman was found

The man is now arrested on suspicion of murder on the prosecutor's decision.

A technical study of the apartment was carried out during the night and in the morning.

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