Woman found dead in hostels in Gothenburg | Gothenburg after


On Thursday just after 5 pm, police were alerted to an allegedly dangerous substance in a hotel in central Gothenburg. Police equipped with masks and national protection against bombings were in place to investigate the scene.

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"We are working with the emergency services and the national bomb protection service to deal with an allegedly dangerous substance.This is something that has been found at the inn and, as always, it is is assured that the national bombing is in place, as well as the police and rescue services, "said Peter Adlersson, spokesman for the president in the West Police Region.

The suspicious hazardous substance should have been found in a room or an adjacent room of the hostel and parts of the building would have been evacuated.

Woman found dead

Police later announced that a deceased woman should have been found at the hostel earlier this Thursday. When a police is in place at the hostel, they find the allegedly dangerous substance a few hours later, which is initially considered a drug.

But it's hard to know if events go hand in hand.

"It was a suspicious cardiac arrest from the beginning.It's in the same household, but we do not know it's part of the same event, it's too early to link them to each other" said Hans Lippens, spokesman for the president of the West Police.

The cause of the woman's death is still unknown and her identity is not established. Police opened a preliminary investigation into the death of another person, the police not knowing how this woman died.

Suspected of being a deadly substance

After a number of hours, the national bombing has eliminated the allegedly dangerous substance for further analysis. The substance found to be sodium azide, which may present a risk of life-threatening poisoning by inhalation, ingestion or skin contact.

"We treated it like sodium azide, but we are not a hundred," says Hans Lippens.

All those who came into contact with the subject, hostel staff, firefighters, ambulance personnel and the police were offered to visit the hospital under control.

"There are 19 people who have been in a hospital and who have found themselves in this space, but none of them has shown any contamination or impact of any kind. no way, Hans Lippens.

During the operation, there was no danger to the public in the area. About 50 guests live in the hostel.

"The guests are obviously upset by the claim here," said the GP reporter on the spot.

Just before 9 pm, the police announced the end of the bet on the scene. Nobody should have been arrested in connection with the incident.

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