Woman found dead in Lidköping – alleged murder


A 60-year-old woman was found dead in Lidköping

Police were alerted to an apartment on Thursday night and began an investigation for murder.

– The circumstances of the site meant that it could not be considered normal. death, "said Jens Christensen, commander of the West West Police.

It was at 20:50 on Thursday night that police were alerted of an apartment in Lidköping.

The address was found in a woman dead in the 60s. [19659004] – We found a deceased woman and the circumstances on the site meant that she could not be considered a normal death ", said Jens Christensen, commander of the West Region Police Department


– The apartment is locked and we have technicians who will conduct a technical investigation.

Otherwise, the police are

Crime statistics: Many are killed each year in Sweden 00:30

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