Woman found dead in Sollentuna – man caught


A man arrested tonight in Sollentuna on suspicion of murder.

In the apartment he should have been a woman who died for a longer period, according to Aftonbladet.

– He has been terrible in the stairwell for several days, says Mona, 36, who lives in the apartment next door

Tonight, the police have been alerted from a residential area of ​​Sollentuna, north of Stockholm. In an apartment lay a dead woman.

A man could be arrested in the same residence. He is now suspected of murder.

– Someone called and reported that the death of this woman had been found in the apartment, said Pontus Sandulf, police officer of the Stockholm Police District.

– A preliminary investigation was conducted murder.

"Meeting with the woman four days ago"

In the next apartment lives Mona, 36 years old. She has just been questioned by the police when Aftonbladet called her by phone

– I have not heard anything strange lately. I met this woman in the elevator four days ago, she said.

1 of 6 | Photo: Jamshid Jamshidi

In the afternoon, the old tenants arrived and called the apartment.

– I think they were there to retrieve the mail. This man who is now seizing opened up and it smelled terribly inside, "says Mona.

The Police rang

A little later, at 6:30 pm, she called at the Mona Gate

an ambulance staff and asked if I needed help.I then said that it was probably from the neighboring apartment.After that they caught This man, says Mona.

She tells her dog to be strong against the door in recent days.

– My husband met this man in the elevator earlier today. Even when the dog was pointing at it, she said.

Police Source: "Legacy of a Week"

Mona tells her that she did not connect what she was doing. happened before the police came in. But then she gathered what was going on.

– You started asking yourself but you did not think about those thoughts, this n & # 39; Is not really just, she says.

The arrested man is now suspected of murder, according to information to Aftonbladet:

– At first it was believed that it was a burglary, but then the woman that it is believed to be dead and died for about a week. There was a man in the residence to be arrested on suspicion of murder, declaring a police source for Aftonbladet.

Police science police later arrived at the apartment

Footnote: Mona is named otherwise

The three titles of the day Tuesday, July 24 00: 29

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