You are being prosecuted after an alleged abduction


Police prosecute a man of about forty years suspected of human rights.

In the evening, an effort was made outside of Karesuando, but no one is yet deprived of liberty.

– The plaintiff is a man of about sixty years old. He is physically unscathed, says David Levy, commanding officer of the Norrbottens Regional Police Management Center

. Several police patrols participated in the operation in the afternoon and evening when the police were in charge. we were looking for a suspicious man in Karesuando.

Several helicopters have been involved in the search for a man in his forties or more. The victim of the crime is a 60-year-old man, physically unharmed.

– The crime is suspected of violation of human rights. What this implies in this case, I can not go into more detail, says David Levy to Norrbotten police.

Police with Arms

Police helicopters and private helicopters are used during the operation to transport police officers into the search area.

According to the NSD newspaper, several ambulances are also in place and this is a comprehensive police initiative.

Police were arrested at the entrance to Mertajärvi, reports the newspaper

Police banned an area between Vittangi and Idivuoma.

The text is updated

] The three titles of today Monday, July 23 00:29

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