You are sentenced to a term of imprisonment for harassment against Pastors of the Salvation Army


The man with alcohol problems should have been a frequent visitor to the Salvation Army, who advocated sobriety. It should have been perceived as threatening and disturbing
Norrtelje Tidning.

In particular, the 63-year-old must have harassed the pastor and his wife. At one point, the pastor took the man out to discuss his undesirable behavior. The 63-year-old then broke up saying that he "had already killed a man", which the pastor considered a threat.

To another the occasion is presented by hand. One day in May, the man was asked to leave the premises because he was consuming a lot of alcohol. He then started snapping his fingers against the pastor's cheek, which struck the Bible against the drunken man's chest, writes Norrtelje Tidning.

Last summer, the pastor decided to report events when he had trouble practicing worship and the Bible, while he was afraid of this 63-year-old man. In connection with this, the man was banished from the pastor and his wife.

The 63-year-old says to himself that he did not remember events because he was drunk, but that they might have occurred. The threats mean that he was "fill in".

Now, the man, who already has a heavy burden of registry and drug addiction, is sentenced to two months in prison for unlawful and unauthorized threats against the couple, as well as for mistreating a neighbor, reports Norrtelje Tidning.

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