You can get thousands of crowns, but soon, the state takes them – News in Halmstad – 24 hours a day


About 45,000 people are likely to lose a total of millions of Swedish kroner by the end of the year.

The reason is the refund of tax Thousands of people still have to come and pick them up at the tax office, as your money has reported for the first time.

The 10-year rule implies that taxpayer contributions that have not been collected within ten years are due to the state. By the end of the year, 45,000 people can touch the state 's money.

You who have an e-ID can check yourself if you are concerned, but according to Your Money, it is mostly Swedes who are not in Sweden. Without an e-ID, you must contact the Swedish Tax Agency and ask if there is any money left over.

Too many are concerned smaller amount, less than $ 100, but there are still a number of jackpots in the casket. An emigrant who left the country on June 26, 2007, for example, must recover about 150,000 crowns.

Of the ten largest sums that have not yet been collected, seven companies have been canceled and unregistered, but there may be owners who are entitled to the money.

We can hardly pretend the Swedish tax authorities are looking for light and smells to find people who still have taxes to recover.

– We send statements every 18 months to the people concerned. And they are sent to the addresses we have. We do not do any other surveys without sending to the addresses we have, "says Skatteverket Business Development Manager. Eva Bodén to your money

Top ten: unpaid tax refunds that return to the state at the end of the year

1 1 001 926 kr. Company not registered on December 6, 2006.

2 357,951 kr. Company not registered on November 13, 2005.

3 179,048 kr. Company not registered on February 9, 2007.

4 169,302 kr. Company not registered on November 1, 2007.

5 148,382 kr. Emigrated on June 26, 2007.

6 141,556 kr. Dedicated September 16, 2006.

7 111,994 kr. Company not registered on February 6, 2006.

eighth 111,266 kr. Company not registered on February 6, 2004.

9 98.031 kr. Company not registered on June 26, 2001

10 96,211 kr. Person with coordination number temporarily installed in Sweden and having worked. Missing address.

Source: Tax Agency / Your money.

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