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It's just after 9 pm Tuesday night that police have received a call informing of the shooting in Hjallbo and the death of someone. Once upon a time there was a bullet-wounded man on the outside. Police opened a preliminary investigation into an attempted murder.

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The injured man must be 20 years old and hospitalized.

He was conscious. According to our information, he is injured in the legs and arm, "said Ulla Brehm, spokesman for the presidency of the police in the western region.

The man should not have been hurt.

Cameras are checked

A major police initiative was launched at the scene during the evening and the police were blocked by an area adjacent to a nursery school where the man was found.

"The witnesses should have seen some people fleeing the site towards the center of Hjallbo in connection with the shooting," Ulla Brehm said following the incident.

She also invited the witnesses to the incident to contact the police.

A technical study was conducted on the site during the evening. There is still no hold or suspicion, but the police in place have monitored the presence of surveillance cameras in the area.

"The places where we think there can be surveillance cameras, we control now," said Ulla Brehm.

Lock-out decreased

The police were also in place in Sahlgrenska during the evening to talk to the injured as soon as possible.

Immediately after 23 hours, the police announced that the operation on the site was over and that the blocked area was reduced to the crime scene itself.

"It's a small place, so it's not the big lockouts that were before," says Morten Gunneng, chief officer of the Western Police Region.

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