Young man convicted of several robberies in Uppsala – News in Uppsala – 24 hours a day


On June 20, a man in the 1920s was arrested, suspected of a variety of robberies mainly from clothing stores at Uppsala and Stockholm. On Thursday, the sentence ruled against him at District Court of Uppsala – prison for two months and expulsion.

He was tried in part by stolen clothes several times. It was the second time in a short time that he was found guilty of theft and, until March 23 this year, he was released after a short trial in prison.

According to the district court the author used a custom bag when he committed the acts. At one point, a person saw how the abuser was entering a test room with several clothes, leaving a lot less.

He is also convicted of drug offenses since 1945 and drug tablets.

The District Court also states that the author was also illegally resident in the country. Expulsion means that he can not return to Sweden until the first summer of 2023.

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