You're beaten by gangs – weapons data | Gothenburg after


It was at 7 pm that police were alerted to a basketball court in Hammarkullen where a man should have been beaten and threatened by a group of eight people.

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The suspects should also have been involved in the abuse. But no weapon will be redeemed.

"You thought you saw weapons that looked like weapons in which you were threatening that person, but before they came, they came out of the place," said Peter Adlersson, president of the Western Police Region. .

A major police initiative was launched on the dog patrol site in search of the area. Initially, a helicopter participated in the initiative.

You are caught in the corner

A man in his 20s was arrested in the immediate vicinity, but no weapons were found.

"We get a good signal and find one of the suspects caught.He is currently suspected of an extremely illegal threat," said Peter Adlersson.

The police continued to search for other people who had been involved in the evening. The man who is threatened and abused must not be seriously injured, but will be taken to the hospital for control.

"They will accompany him to Sahlgrenska to control him, he has been threatened quite seriously and may have received a few punches.

The police resigned from the stake in Hammarkullen, but a patrol will remain in the evening.

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