10 dead in an earthquake on the Indonesian island of Lombok


The earthquake at the north end of the island reached the magnitude of 6.4. The victims died early in the morning in the rubble of their homes. Vacationers were also ripped off their sleep on the nearby island of Bali

  A woman helps a wounded person in front of Sembalun Selong village hospital , Lombok. (Photo: Zakir / Antara via REUTERS)

A woman helps a wounded man in front of the Sembalun Selong village hospital in Lombok. (Photo: Zakir / Antara via REUTERS)

(dpa / afp / reu) Ten people died Sunday morning in a magnitude 6.4 earthquake on the Indonesian island of Lombok. This was reported in the morning from official sources and media reports. The quake occurred early in the morning while most people were still sleeping, reports the local TV channel Metro TV. The victims are dead in the rubble of their homes.

"It was a very strong earthquake," Governor Zainul Majdi said. Since the main earthquake, there have been 43 aftershocks. Dozens of homes have been destroyed or severely damaged, said Sutopo Nugroho, spokesman for the National Civil Defense Agency. At the moment, the situation is still explored on the spot. "Our main goal now is to help the victims and save lives."

The center of the quake was located about 47 kilometers northeast of the provincial capital Mataram at a depth of 24 kilometers, according to the National Institute of Geophysics. Lombok is located east of Bali. The earthquake was also felt on the popular holiday island. Many tourists are fleeing their hotel room.

Indonesia lies on the so-called "Pacific Fire Circle", where tectonic plates collide. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are therefore particularly common. Only in January, during a magnitude 6 earthquake on the Indonesian island of Java, several people were seriously injured and dozens of homes were damaged.

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