20 minutes – guide dog drawn because it was too big


"He was nice to me," says Nicole Reiber. The 60-year-old Perseus guide dog has been kept his professional life. During his active life, the experienced dog owner regularly took long walks with Labrador. After retiring at the age of nine, she completely took it back. For four years, Perseus lived at Reiber in Zurich. Until Wednesday, November 21 last, when an employee of the foundation "Swiss School for Dogs Guide" has seized Labrador, now 13 years old, for the first time. take to Allschwil. A known grubber filmed the scene.

"It depends on various factors, including the nature, age, health status of the dog and the relationship between the dog and its owner," says Jasmina Hugi, Animal Psychology Consultant. . Depending on the assessment of these factors, animals can benefit from a replenishment even at advanced ages. For others, for example, who are highly concentrated on their human beings, it would be more difficult to cope psychologically, especially at an advanced age.

"If guards want to keep the animal, it would be advisable to make these clarifications, as well as others, before making a decision," says Hugi.

The dog guide school insists that Perseus is overweight and has health problems. Reiber is sorry. She does not understand at all the decision of the School of Guide Dogs of Allschwil and accuses the institution of being heartless. The procedure is limited to cruelty to animals. In a long publication on Facebook, divided more than 1,700 times and commented by hundreds, she described in detail her vision.

"It was true, but we are really sorry"

The school has always been questioned about its weight. "She did not care about anything else," says Reiber. She had also weighed it every month at the vet and had it put on a diet. The weight goal of the guide dog school had been utopian. "Otherwise, he was in good health, as confirmed by the vet," said Reiber.

In Allschwil, there were concerns. "No discussion, the dog is coming back," Reiber was told on the phone.

On Facebook, comments on Reibers post. "Such a disorder, incomprehensible, heartless": many have taken sides for the Reiber. The dog guide training school was forced to counter the real Shitstorm that was invading them Sunday with a statement on Facebook. She defends the decision. After consulting the parties and the experts, they were convinced that they had acted correctly in this case. "We also understand that this decision is painful for the previous owner, we are sorry," the statement concludes.

Dogs stay in the life of the Foundation for Life

The foundation Swiss School Guide for the Blind in Allschwil has more than 1000 dogs that she accompanies throughout her life. A repositioning for various reasons occurs again and again. "The repositioning against the will of the owner is very rare.A generally, we find an amicable solution," says the general manager Gerard Guyer.We had the impression that the owner was overwhelmed by Perseus Guyer. understands however that Reiber does not share this point of view.

Nevertheless, he is convinced that Perseus will now be better. Reiber fears that the Labrador Elder will be euthanized, he dies. "He will have a new family or a new owner."


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