20 minutes – Trump does not invite Putin


US President Donald Trump no longer wants to meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin this year. Trump is of the opinion that the meeting should take place as soon as the investigation on Russia is over. The Helsinki press conference was severely criticized.

It was decided that the meeting would take place after January 1, 2019, White House National Security Advisor John Bolton said Wednesday. After his controversial summit with Putin in Helsinki, Trump had declared that he intended to receive the Kremlin leader in Washington in the fall.

Forbidden Interference

Trump was fierce for his press conference with Putin in the Finnish capital was criticized. The Russian president has denied any interference in the 2016 US presidential election.

Trump describes Putin's denunciation as "extremely strong and powerful", publicly opposing US intelligence estimates that such interference is proven. He has been heavily criticized for this. Many times, the US president has made clear or denied statements.

A special investigator examines the alleged Russian meddling in the presidential election, and also examines whether there was collusion between Trump's election campaign camp and Moscow. Trump has repeatedly referred to these investigations as "witch hunts".

(chi / sda)

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