20 minutes – Woman calls for the resignation of the politician's restaurant


A woman in a Washington restaurant called the controversial leader of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Scott Pruitt, to resign. In a video that has been clicked more than 100,000 times since Monday on Facebook, the mistress is in her arms with her child while she goes to Pruitt's home and reviews him for his decisions and his scandals.

Just ask them to resign because of what they do for the environment and our country, "said the woman in the video.According to her Facebook page, she's calling Kristin Mink and she teaches at a high school. "For the benefit of us and our kids," said Mr. Make, "a boss who really wants to protect the environment and believe in climate change," says Mink.

Criticism of high transport costs and suspicious transactions [19659002] Pruitt is considered a loyal supporter of US President Donald Trump, particularly in the abolition of environmental regulations by his authority. of sprawling travel expenses, increased wages for confidants, and a suspicious deal with a lobbyist Trump defended him.

Trump's spokesman flies off the restaurant

The head of the EPO is not the first in the circle of the US President to be verbally attacked in a restaurant. Three weeks ago, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders was invited to leave a restaurant in Virginia.

The same week, protesters in a Mexican restaurant in Washington denounced the controversial border demolitions. Mexico. Two days earlier, Presidential adviser Stephen Miller was labeled a "fascist" at another Mexican restaurant in the US capital.

Call for Everyday Prisoners

Democrat MP Maxine Waters invited his supporters to testify daily demonstrations, They had to "emerge wherever we must appear" to protest against Trump's policies, Waters said. Trump responded with insults and threats – Waters has an "unusually low IQ," he writes on Twitter. And: "Pay attention to what you want, Max!"

(kko / afp)

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