An EU border guard saves a tourist on an air mattress – after 20 hours of sea
A Russian tourist wanted to relax in front of the Greek island of Crete on his air mattress in the sea and lived a horror trip. Olga Kudlow entered the water alone last Thursday with her husband and daughter and returned to shore only 20 hours later.
The European border agency Frontex found the 55-year-old Russian in the sea in search of illegal refugees. The fact that the woman survived the bathing action comes up against a miracle, reported by local media.
About 20 hours on the high seas
The woman probably fell asleep on her air mattress and took a strong current carried out. The husband and daughter rang the alarm when the doctor did not return with his air mattress even after hours.
A direct search with jet skis and boats did not succeed before dawn. It was only around 8 pm the next morning that the woman was saved from the sea. Heavily undercooled and severely burned by the sun, the Russian woman was wounded but saved alive.
Olga Kudlow was then taken to hospital with heart problems.
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Survival despite the night storm
Frontex told the British "Sun": "At 10:40, our plane was located the missing person, floating on an air mattress, nine nautical miles from Rethymnon and one nautical mile from the Lavris coast. " The woman was quite round 16 kilometers aborted.
According to "Sun" in the local media is one of the fortunate that the woman survived this dangerous adventure – after all, the night had been cold, there was strong wind and even a slight storm.
The 55-year-old Russian girl commented on her mother's rescue. : "Miracles happen" (Alka)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function ()
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