According to British counterterrorism, the couple are in the same hospital in Salisbury, in southern Sweden, as former Russian double agent Sergej Skripal (67) and his daughter Julia (33) )
. The head of the anti-terrorism office in the UK said Wednesday night that he was targeting seriously ill victims.
According to the police, the victims are 45 years old and 44 years old in the region. First, the woman collapsed on Saturday, later emergency physicians also had to take the man to the hospital.
Random victims?
The British media had already speculated that the couple had involuntarily been in contact with the poison. on the scripts had been used. According to one report, deadly poisoning can be due to the same contaminated object. Instead of a second stop, investigators investigate the suspicion of such cross-contamination
The container used in the case Skripal Nowitschok for the explosive would have involuntarily put the British in deadly danger, reported the press agency Press Association on Thursday night. Calling a High Government Source
Diplomatic Crisis
Last March, parts of downtown Salisbury were sealed after the scripts were poisoned with the officer of war. They were sitting unconscious on a park bench. London accused Moscow of orchestrating the act.
Nowitschok was developed in the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s. The United Kingdom blamed the Russian government for attacking Skripal, who rejected it. The assassination triggered a serious international crisis. Western states and Russia have expelled many diplomats from each other. The Skripals are now living in an unknown place
Places Locked
Following the recent incident, some areas of Salisbury and the couple's home, Amesbury, about 13 kilometers to the north, were closed by caution. Initially, the health authority had not anticipated a "significant health risk" for the public. Among other things, the couple would have visited a church event before he got sick on Saturday.
Officials initially assumed that they could have taken heroin or crack and be in critical condition.
Resident in insecurity
The chemical weapons research laboratory located near Porton Down was included in the survey. There, the Nowitschok neurotoxin had been identified in the Skripal case. Independent research conducted by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) confirmed the results at that time
Amesbury is very close to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Stonehenge. Residents in the area were not sure and required more information from the authorities. "The police did not tell us anything," PA News Agency official Justin Doughty said.
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