Trump accelerates the decline of the United States


Donald Trump at the NATO Summit in Brussels Image: AP / AP

Making America even weaker: Trump accelerates the American decline

Donald Trump
staged one more time on his European tour
President of Chaos. He's hurting his round and hopping envelopes
less to Europeans than to their own country.

Theresa May is abandoned
The greatest effort to give your guest a pleasant welcome. they
organized a gala dinner for him at Blenheim Palace near Oxford,
where Winston Churchill was born. Because Donald Trump admires
Churchill, as he admires the strong men. The evening should
he was said to be extremely nice, said British
Government circles.

It was an experiment
the limitation of damages. As soon as the festive meal has begun,
The tabloid The Sun blew up the bomb of Brexit. In an exclusive interview, the US president attacked
Theresa May's strategy for the exit of Great Britain
EU. It is "likely to settle" the hoped-for trade agreement with the United States.

May Receives Trump Gala Dinner

BBC chief of policy
Laura Kuenssberg spoke of a "frontal attack" against Mays
Plan Brexit
that the Prime Minister met Thursday in a
100-page white paper. Trump drive with a
Bulldozer beyond his central argument that the kingdom
Conclude trade agreements with the world and attend the
Rules of the EU.

"Nitroglycerin" for the revolt

"With a friend
Like Donald Trump, Theresa May does not need enemies, " commented
. Of these, the head of the Conservative government actually
enough. On Monday, Brexit ministers David Davis and
Foreign Minister Boris Johnson protests against the government in protest
his point of view to leave Brexit's sweet course of Theresa May
. asset
poured oil into the fire in the interview "Sun", claiming
Johnson would be "a great prime minister".

The sun itself
went further, calling Trump's statements "nitroglycerin" for the boiling revolt of conservatives "Brexiteers"
his prime minister. So the followers of a total break with
from the EU, trembling more and more violently to the presidency of Theresa May. We have
Donald Trump definitely achieved: he has his image as a
Chaos president confirmed.

Since the beginning of his
He never missed an opportunity to travel to his allies
rebuff. He started with a breakfast to launch the
NATO Summit in Brussels
Wednesday. In a video
Trump claimed that Germany was wrong because of the
Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline "a prisoner from Russia".
Just the same day after a meeting with Angela Merkel
emphasize that he has a "very, very good relationship" with

Thursday on the left
Continue in the same style. First Trump came too late, then
he has worked a meeting with the candidate countries to NATO
Georgia and Ukraine to a "crisis meeting" during which he gave
Once again, the allies have urged their ally
Increase defense spending. Otherwise, the United States could "their"
Trump threatened to follow his own path

"I am a very stable genius"

With that he came with
fierce contradiction. Right-wing Danish Prime Minister
Lars Løkke
Rasmussen confronted Trump with the fact that his country was in
The war in Afghanistan in proportion to about the same number of victims
had to complain like the United States. He participated in the funeral and
can not accept that Trump claims that Denmark does not
enough for NATO, according to Rasmussen, according to Politico.

Not impressed, the US President does not seem to have been.
At a press conference, Trump said
Once: "I believe in NATO, NATO is now a
well oiled machine. To the question of a Croatian
Journalists, he tweets the opposite of Air Force One
– Like after the G7 summit in June, Trump said, "No,
others do it. I do not do it. I am very coherent. I am one
very stable genius.

"A disturbed child"

Doubt so
some. Ralph Peters, a former officer of the US Army and Army
long-time Fox News employee, told CNN,
Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO, Angela Merkel and France
President Emmanuel Macron saw him as a psychiatrist "patiently caring for a disturbed child". Meant is
of course, the President of the United States.

Some men of state
and women had Trumps for the first 18 months
Presidency believed that his disorder was method, written
Politico. Now, they have obviously come to believe that
only chaos is, "and Trump himself may not understand what he is
make ". For ex-military Peters, it is clear that he is harming his country.

Canada as an Enemy

This coincides with
an analysis of the famous magazine The Atlantic. Donald
Trump's foreign policy doctrine is based on a slogan
Reduce: Make America even weaker. The supremacy of America in the
The world is based on five pillars: neighbors, allies, markets, values
and the military power. The Trump Doctrine has weakened them all
Exception of the last.

For Donald Trump
Alliances such as the EU and NATO are destined to defeat the United States
draw. Therefore, he has no inhibition on his allies
attack. It even helps its neighbors Canada and Mexico
no, he covers them with punitive tariffs. Now, Mexico has a left
Elected Presidents and Retaliatory Rates in Canada Introduced. "You
must be extremely stupid to the enemies of Canadians
"Writes the author" Atlantic "

The disregard for values ​​

The Trump Doctrine
answer the 21st century business questions with methods
the 20th century. The President has assumed that punitive tariffs
only to hit the countries against which they are directed. This applies
perhaps for the 1970s. "In today's world
global supply chains do not only apply to foreign companies
and workers, but also Americans. »

Especially heavy
but Trump's disregard for American values ​​outweighs: "Democratic states are seen as weak and authoritarian rulers
are admired, the moral authority counts for nothing
The soft power is too soft, only the hard power brings results.

So it makes sense for Trump to meet with the Russian leader
Vladimir Putin Monday in Helsinki happy. It would be "maybe
the easiest of them all, "he said in advance.

the president of the United States reputation, says "the Atlantic" and
Recalls that in general two reasons explain the fall of a
Great power: Imperial overpopulation or rivalry with
from other great powers. "Never in the history of the world is a country
through so many self-inflicted attacks on the sources of his

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