ROUNDUP / US Justice: Russia is at the root of hacker attacks against US Democrats | message


WASHINGTON (APPA-AFX) – US Special Envoy Robert Mueller is accused of attacking 12 people suspected of being Russian hackers, the next summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin . The twelve intelligence officers are specifically accused of interfering with the computer attacks on US Democrats and Trump Hillary Clinton's election campaign camp during the 2016 US presidential elections. A statement was issued Friday by Deputy Minister of Justice Rod Rosenstein

Specifically, among other things, the computers of the American Democrats and the Electoral Camp had been hacked by Trump's counterpart, Clinton. With the accusations against intelligence officials, US justice assumes that the Russian military is behind hacker attacks known as "DCLeaks" and "Guccifer 2.0". Previous assumptions, behind that could put the Americans or a Romanian hacker, are so obsolete. The twelve defendants belong to the Russian military intelligence service GRU.

The Kremlin in Moscow immediately rejected the allegations. Russia has not therefore interfered in the US elections and has no plans to do so. Opponents of a Russo-American rapprochement have abused this issue, said Vladimir Putin's adviser, Yuri Ushakov, in Moscow.

The accusation comes a few days before Trump rejoins Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday. The Helsinki Summit will meet. Trump had already been informed before he left for Europe last Tuesday, Rosenstein said. "He is fully aware of the ministry's actions," said Rosenstein. Trump had declared that he wanted to bring the intervention of Moscow in US elections during talks with Putin. A White House spokesman pointed out the fact that the prosecution had no allegations against Americans, including Trump or those surrounding him, about the activities or the activities that were going on there. identity of the authors.

Robert Mueller, a US special investigator investigates, among other things, whether campaign camp Donald Trumps was aware of Russian machinations. The indictment clearly states that "a person in regular contact with key members of the Donald J. Trump campaign camp received material from" Guccifer 2.0 ". According to the prosecution, it is said in correspondence with the unnamed person from the Trump environment,

"The United States found something of interest in the documents that I did you send me? " Democrats, who are not only an opposition party, but also victims of hacking, have asked Trump not to hold the summit with Putin. "President Trump should cancel his meeting with Vladimir Putin," said Chuck Schumer, Leader of the Opposition in the US Senate. The summit was not possible until the Russians took demonstrable and transparent measures to prove that they would not intervene in future elections. Senator Mark Warner, vice-chair of the Senate's Senate Intelligence Committee, also joined the appeal

Nancy Pelosi, Leader of the Opposition, demanded that " President Trump demands and guarantees a real, concrete and comprehensive agreement That the Russians stop their continued attacks on our democracy and do not stand up to Putin would be a profound betrayal of the Constitution and our democracy. "

In addition to organizing the US Democrats, Russian piracy hit the United States According to the Justice Department, the electoral infrastructure was also affected by US states. the statements of Rod Rosenstein, the hackers had been duped because in the evening of June 15, 2016, a computer server based in Moscow had searched words and phrases in English, which were then published on the hacker's blog "Guccifer 2.0 [LeministèredelaJusticefaitremarquerquel'accusationn'apasalléguéqu'uncitoyenaméricainaitsciemmentparticipéauxinterventionsousavaitqu'ilsétaientenvéritécommuniqueraveclesagentsderenseignementrussesIlnefaitpasnonplusl'objetd'accusationsquantàsavoirsilesactesontaffectélerésultatdel'election/Dm/DP/he

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