Lübeck: A randomly injured passenger man with a knife in the bus – Panorama


Ten people were injured Friday in a violent crime on a busload in Lübeck that was fully occupied. The prosecution and the police do not expect a terrorist attack. The alleged overwhelming attacker remains silent about the allegations. The 34-year-old man was born in Iran, but he is a German citizen for many years. According to the current findings, there is "clearly no terrorist history, neither in person nor in the environment previously studied," said Friday evening the Minister of Interior of Schleswig-Holstein, Hans -Joachim Grote (CDU)

. to be presented to a judge. The prosecution wants to get a warrant for attempted deliberate fire, bodily harm and assault against him. The public prosecutor of Lübeck, Ulla Hingst, made no statement about his career Friday night

The act of violence took place on Friday at 1:47 pm in the district of Lübeck Kücknitz in a bus in the direction of Travemünde, where the week of Travemünde was opened in the evening. At the sailing event was clearly visible more than police presence. "But there is no concrete indication of a changed security situation," Grote said.

Five of the ten wounded were taken to the hospital. Three of them are seriously injured, one of them being stabbed, as state attorney Hingst said. For the other two, the cause of the injuries was still unknown, said Hingst. The abuser had used a kitchen knife.

According to Grote, a police squad that was nearby and, above all, the fast action of the bus driver, prevented anything worse. The bus driver had acted "quickly and courageously," said Grote. "He deserves a big thank you." The bus driver was injured by a suspect's punch

According to Grote, the driver of the rear-view mirror noticed smoke, stopped the bus and opened all the doors. Subsequently, the alleged perpetrator according to the initial findings of the investigators stabbed at random on the passengers. We still do not know whether he has done it on the bus or on the outside. The driver had rushed to the suspect and beaten him, says Grote. "Then there was a scuffle."

In the man's backpack found accelerator experts, but "no other explosives or the like," Hingst said. The investigators question about the motives of the man. The results that they hope the many witnesses of the act. According to estimates of the bus driver, about 70 people were in the bus at the time in question

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