Many of the major social media platforms are starting to lose users even in Switzerland. According to a Publicom study, 55% of the Swiss population uses social media, which is 4% less than a year ago.
Internet Inventor disappointed with the web
The Internet inventor, Tim Berners-Lee, believes that big companies such as Facebook and Google are threatening "the Web as we know it and love it". He was disappointed with the current state of the internet. More specifically, companies would protect data too little and their algorithms are not transparent, as reported by The Telegraph. That's why Berners-Lee has launched a "Magna Carta For The Web" that defines the principles of data processing and algorithms that companies should follow. He receives support not only from investors and politicians such as Richard Branson and Gordon Brown, but also from Facebook and Google, exactly the companies that Berners-Lee has named because of his concerns.
(Image: Keystone / Walter Bieri)
What's up with the best dogs and where are the users going? An overview:
• Snapchat loses users to Instagram
Snapchat loses users for two quarters. Six months ago, it was said that it had something to do with the controversial redesign of February 2018. Michael Klaas, head of digital marketing at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), says that it is not that's part of the problem. Another reason is that Instagram has risen to the forefront of competitors: "Instagram has a more aesthetic effect on many users because users are used to photos, which allow them to sit down to the best possible image, "says Klaas in 20 minutes. In addition, it is easier for users to prevent contact with companies and their brands. That's why many users have gone from Snapchat to Instagram.
• Facebook loses confidence in data scandals
On Facebook, the number of users stagnates slowly. In Europe, they are even down one million per quarter. The recent data scandals on Facebook could play a role here. However, according to Klaas von der ZHAW, this is not the only answer: "Many users have turned their backs on Facebook because they feel more comfortable on others platforms ". From the point of view of the user, Facebook has not developed much and there is no novelty. The platform is no longer the network of the younger generation, but the 35-year-old, as Klaas says.
• Google+ will be fully defined
Google has decided to close its Google+ platform to consumers soon. The service has about 400 million active users per month. Google took advantage of a year – old data leak to be able to unplug the problem. Some users assume that Google was looking for a reason to discontinue the unprofitable service. Klaas can understand this speculation: "The use of Google+ as a community or social media platform has been for years rather a niche topic." Although the number of users has evolved, it had to be associated with other Google offers such as Youtube. located and not in the use of the platform for communication.
• Twitter loses users for fake accounts
Twitter loses 3% of its user base in three months and states that it is because the company has banned accounts and suspicious members of the service. "As the use of fake accounts is a common practice in recent years, there should already be a fairly large number of accounts to delete," says Klaas. For Twitter, the decrease in the number of users is not an alarm signal – and the financial world reacts rather positively. Klaas expects Twitter to further reduce its user base.
• Instagram continues to grow
Although the Facebook parent company does not provide separate user numbers in its quarterly reports on Instagram, the service seems to continue growing. Instagram has recently surpassed Snapchat, considered the most used social network by American teens. In the middle of the year, the platform reached a billion users a month for the first time. According to Klaas von der ZHAW, the success of Instagram is due to the ease of use, the aesthetic appearance and the great community with which the Snapchat service, in particular, can more and more conquer the users. Snapchat has become too complex and too intuitive – it has been eight years since MySpace was fatal.
User numbers are monthly active users, not just registered users.
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