A radioactive container discovered at UBS headquarters – Basel news: City


A radioactive container was discovered this morning in the basement of the main UBS branch at Basler Bankenplatz. Employees had shortly before eleven o'clock on the vessel encountered and set off the alarm. Basler's firefighters and chemists then left immediately and arrived after a detour via the UBS Aeschenplatz branch on the spot. Then specialists wearing protective clothing against chemicals entered the building. The Basel Industrial Fire Department was also in action and provided analytical material for the determination of substances in the bank.

The residents of the house have been subjected to contamination measures, Toprak Yerguz, spokesman for the Justice and Security Department of Basel (JSD), told media. No radiation was found. Those affected could have left the building at that time. The big UBS box office was always open during operations. In addition, tramway traffic at the bank's location was only briefly disrupted.

Yerguz could not give any information on the origin and nature of the radioactive container. The material inside the container shines only slightly, as pointed out Yves Parrat of the Cantonal Laboratory Basel. It corresponds to uranium and thorium radioactive elements and radiates only about 30 centimeters wide. For the environment and the population, there has never been any danger, as the JSD explains. Yerguz categorically excluded a terrorist past. For a so-called "dirty bomb", it would require stronger radioactivity, said Yves Parrat. The dose of radiation measured outside the container was only a fraction of the regulatory limit.

Firefighters wear protective suits in front of UBS.

(Se / HWS / amu)

Created: 29.11.2018, 11:46 hours ago

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