Aging has been successfully stopped! New therapy has slowed down the aging process


Experimental remedy extending the life of mice

Stay young, healthy and full of energy until you reach old age – a dream for humanity, but so far a utopia. However, this may change in the future as recent research has focused on therapies that may slow down and possibly even halt the aging process. In a recent study, researchers were able to extend the lifespan of mice by slowing down the aging process with a new drug.

A research team from the Weizmann Scientific Institute in Israel recently decoded the way the immune system is involved in the aging process. According to the study, age increases the number of old cells in the body that pollute the immune system. These cells are limited in their function or have irreparable damage. Thanks to a recently developed drug, researchers have been able to slow the process of Zellvergreisung in mice, which has prolonged their lifespan. The results of the study were recently published in the famous journal "Nature Communications".

Fit, active and healthy until older age – there may soon be medications that slow down the aging process. (Image: Ljupco Smokovski /

How our immune system ages

The team around Professor Valery Krizhanovsky and dr. Yossi Ovadya explains how aging cells cause problems for our immune system with age. The so-called senescent cells are cells that have not yet died but are severely restricted or damaged in their functioning. The older we get, the older cells circulate in our bodies. According to the research team, these cells are significantly involved in inflammatory processes that promote typical geriatric diseases.

Course of the study

In one experiment, the researchers used genetically modified mice. These mice suffered more rapidly from chronic inflammation and lower performance than normal mice of the same age. In addition, these mice appeared to age more quickly and died earlier.

This slows cell transplantation

In the course of their research, scientists have discovered that inhibition of certain proteins can slow cell migration. The team administered ABT-737, which removes the proteins associated with the aging process, to prematurely aging mice. As a result, mice became more active and their lifespan increased.

Healthier, more active and more sustainable

As the researchers showed, the animals responded exceptionally well to the drug. His blood tests and activity showed improvement and his tissues were similar to those of young mice. The team was also able to show that treated mice had significantly fewer old cells as well as inflammatory processes.

Can this also work in humans?

In their findings, the researchers found a way to develop anti-aging therapy for humans. The team now wants to examine further studies on how the human immune system can be animated to eliminate old cells more quickly. If their theories prove true, there may soon be a pill against aging. (Vb)

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