Ahed Tamimi: Soldier slapped in the face – A 17-year-old Palestinian released again



Ahed Tamimi Soldier slapped in the face – 17-year-old Palestinian released again

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17-year-old released from Israeli guard

In December, Ahed Tamimi slapped and kicked an Israeli soldier. Upon her return to the West Bank, she was celebrated on Sunday.

The slap in the face of an Israeli soldier was announced by Palestinian Ahed Tamimi. Now the 17 year old teenager was released from prison after eight months – and immediately went to a symbolic act.

W When she hit a soldier in front of a camera in front of the camera, Palestinian Ahed Tamimi spent nearly eight months in an Israeli jail. On Sunday, the 17-year-old woman and her mother were released and cheered their return to their home village of Nabi Saleh north of Ramallah

Women then visited the grave of former Palestinian President Yasser Arafat at Ramallah. "God willing, all (Palestinian) detainees will soon be released and will rejoice," Ahim Tamimi said. For Palestinians, the teenager with long blond and dark curls is a symbol of resistance to the Israeli occupation.

Israel sees Tamimi as a provocateur. The prosecution and defense had agreed to an eight month prison sentence in an agreement in March. She was imprisoned with her mother Nariman, who was also released.

  See also </p>
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  You face many years in prison: Judicial officers take Palestinian youth Ahed Tamimi to court

Ahed Tamimi was arrested on December 15 In 2017, in his hometown of Nabi Saleh in the West Bank, an Israeli soldier was beaten in the face in front of the camera and kicked him. She was still 16 years old at the time. Tamimi 's mother and a parent were also looking to confront the soldiers

while the media was talking about a slap in the face, the indictment was referring to a punch. On video images, which spread rapidly over the Internet, the process is hard to see. It is clear in any case that she hit the soldier in the face. The women were arrested after the incident.

Released earlier because prisons are overcrowded

Tamimi's Israeli lawyer, Gaby Lasky, said the women had been released a little earlier. This is a common practice in Israel because prisons are so crowded. She also stated that it was "clear that the arrest and punishment of Ahed had more to do with politics than with legal issues."

The lawsuit against the Palestinian young woman had highlighted the "madness of the Israeli occupation". "Bringing minors to military courts is not the way to end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians." She hopes "that our leadership will be brave enough to accept a peace settlement and free us all from the chains of occupation"

  Ahed Tamimi kisses the tombstone of Yasser Arafat

Ahed Tamimi kisses the tombstone of Yasser Arafat


Tamimi's father, Bassem, said before his release: "I was waiting for this moment because I missed both of them." said that they wanted to continue resistance to the Israeli occupation, "but in a different way". Years of protests in Nabi Saleh have been halted after the arrest of women. The family aspires to a normal life for the future. Ahed Tamimi dreams of studying law, "maybe in Britain or Palestine".

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Israeli police confirmed Sunday that two Italian graffiti artists and a Palestinian had been arrested the day before. They had painted a portrait of Ahed Tamimi on the separation wall to Israel near Bethlehem. The men were arrested for damaging the fence, the police said.

  The portrait of Ahed Tamimi of the two Italians

The portrait of Ahed Tamimi of the two Italians

Source: AFP / AHMAD GHARABLI [19659028] [ad_2]
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