Albanians want to protest high ticket prices


Albanians in Switzerland are angry! Airlines and travel agencies spoil their summer holidays in their old homeland. The fake airline Deutschland Airlines has exploited many Kosovars (BLICK reported). The Hasani family wanted to visit relatives in Pristina and lost 3500 francs. Others can actually fly but have to pay relatively awful amounts for a ticket. For example, Swiss asked for 711 francs for a return flight to Pristina (Blick reported).

The moderator of the Swiss-Albanian program "Fol Shqip Show", Altin Marku, addresses the situation in a Facebook video and gets it for it a lot of encouragement. "I am sad to see that my compatriots have been working hard for eleven months to see their family for a month and then be exploited, namely, the money from the diaspora is what keeps Kosovo and Albania in And then you have to pay 3500 francs for a holiday with your family.This is just not fair, "he told LOOK

Marku himself also had to pay 2,000 francs for his family of four people. "" It's crazy, "says the 33-year-old Albanian living in Lucerne

protest action in Zurich

. The disappointment is also evident in Facebook's comments." Only 2459 60 francs for four, "sarcastically wrote a reader." Long live the car! With that I can stop everywhere in the beautiful places in Italy, Croatia, Montenegro and Albania, just to boycott those plane tickets, "he continues," Another is boring prices. " One person Basel-Pristina and return costs 757 francs. It's madness for two hours of flight. And here we are talking about Kosovo, not Thailand or New York, "writes the man.

To help him and his compatriots, Altin Marku decided to fight against the scam, writing a report of "20 minutes" confirmed. "It's not primarily about me, but about all Albanians who experience something similar each year." He wants to use his popularity as an Albanian presenter in Switzerland to mobilize people. First of all, he wanted to organize a demonstration in front of the Kosovo consulate in Zurich on July 23rd.

"Voice of the Diaspora to Hear"

But as many of his compatriots are on vacation, the protest must wait. He will announce the exact date on Facebook. "I'm going to sit down with the police and get the necessary permission for everything to go well and, most importantly, peacefully," he told LOOK. It is important for him that "the voice of the diaspora is heard and the demand is made". "We just want to protest against high airfares and in the worst case call for a boycott," he says.

The 33-year-old man hopes that prices will be reduced and the operation halted. "It can not be that, unlike in other European countries, I have to pay twice or three times more for a holiday in Kosovo," says Altin Marku.

Posted on 18.07.2018 | Updated at 14:51

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