Alone with Vladimir Putin | TIME ONLINE


It was not long
The atmosphere in Brussels was already tipped. First Donald Trump assisted
common breakfast in front of the cameras being run
other members of NATO, because in the opinion of the President of the United States
spend enough for their army. Then Trump accused the Germans of being "completely controlled" by Russia for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project.
President of Nato just before departure quickly expressed confidence
repaired the sick relationship to the best of luck.

Monday in Helsinki at the meeting of Trump and Vladimir Putin the atmosphere should be better.
While the American president, the Allies in Europe since taking office
attacked several times more or less clearly, he simultaneously sought the proximity of Russia . Many times Trump said that he believed that Russian
President, if so, Russia has not voted in the US elections
intervened – even then, as his own intelligence agencies long ago
had come to a different conclusion. Elsewhere, Trump said that Crimea was Russian territory, eventually becoming Russian

No wonder you are worried about Europe. And not only there. The meeting with Putin caused in the United States and
Europe rightly "upset stomach" says political scientist Steffen Schmidt
from the State University of Iowa. "The uncertainty is great because of the
The result of the meeting is hard to predict. "This is not the least because of the temperament of the
American president. Even if there is a clear agenda, Schmidt insists
There is always the danger that Trump will move away from the planned script and focus on topics
leave that his team did not approve before. "C & # 39;
it is likely that he will follow the advice of his Minister of Foreign Affairs and
Security Advisor and at the talks in Brussels. "

Even Republicans warn

Even of their own party, Republicans, are in these
To hear again and again warnings formulated with caution. "I think it's good to talk to the Russians, but the
The president should understand that neither Russians nor dictators like Kim Jong
And let someone wrap you around your finger. They are cold at heart and
calculator, "said Republican Senator Roy Blunt, Trump should not be fooled.

That the American president take the warnings seriously
many in Washington doubt. Already in the election campaign, he had criticisms of his
Russian courts vigorously rejected. C & # 39; was
In the interest of all, that the United States and Russia have good relations, says Trump. also
After about a year and a half of term, he keeps to himself. "C & # 39;
a good thing to hear with Russia and with China and others
"The president said last at a concert in Montana." Putin is excellent. He is excellent. We are
everything is excellent, we are all just human. "

But there are chances
a constructive dialogue with Russia that benefits the rest of the world? It was wrong,
To respond to a regime like Russia only with isolation and sanctions, says political scientist Schmidt. "A meeting can at least open the door to more
Talks and negotiations in the future. "Let the summit be American
The vision becomes a success, he does not believe. Putin bluntly trump
" Nice to meet you ". So there is the danger that the
President of the United States to make too much concessions in small groups. "The meeting
could be similar to that with Kim Jong Un – with a lot of conversation and little
Guarantees. "

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