Already 40 deaths by heat: Japan suffers from extreme summer


Daiki Katagiri / Kyodo News / AP / dpa

Large parts of Japan and South Korea are suffering from an extreme heat wave for days. In the city of Kumagaya, 65 kilometers north of Tokyo, 41.1 degrees were measured Monday afternoon, the highest temperature ever recorded in Japan.

Temperatures in other regions and in the capital Tokyo have also exceeded 40 degrees. The extreme heat wave killed 40 people, many of whom suffered heat stroke, according to a report by the Japanese Kyodo News Agency. Thousands had to be treated in hospitals. They are often older people. On Monday, Japanese media reported three deaths

. The heat is putting pressure on the Japanese health system: according to the Tokyo Fire Department on Sunday, ambulances had to drive more than 3100 times. This is the largest number since the beginning of the emergency operations in 1936.

The highest temperature ever recorded in South Korea was measured in the city of Gangneung, according to a report from the Yonhap news agency. It was Monday at 6:45 am at 31 degrees. The minimum of the morning in Seoul was 29 degrees.

Authorities warned people against unnecessary outdoor stays and advised them to drink enough. Meteorologists expect the heat to continue until the end of the month

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