Annette Fetscherin becomes the new sports news presenter


In 2017, she is from the Teleclub and now takes the torch of sport SRF: Annette Fetscherin, moderator of January "sports news".

New sports presenter for Schweizer Fernsehen: Annette Fetscherin (35) is the new face of "Sportaktuell". The former Teleclub group, who joined Leutschenbach in July 2017 as a producer and journalist, will run the SRF sports information program from January 2019 – alternating with the previous moderation, as announced Tuesday by the chain.

"Be it in front of or behind the camera, doing television is a lot of fun," said Fetscherin. "The moderation of is a new challenge for me, making my job field even more diverse than it already was. I'm really looking forward to it. "

Fetscherin's move to the moderation committee seems logical: this year, she was already playing the role of live reporter in front of the camera at the World Cup and the European Championships. In recent years, the Thurgau woman has long proved that she can guide her through a program on the screen of "Teleclub".

Susan Schwaller, Editor-in-Chief of SRF Sport: "Annette has proven expertise in sports journalism and has extensive live experience as well as a presenter. Above all, she convinced us with her performances as a live reporter for SRF Sport. Given our ever-growing sports offering, I am delighted that our Annette moderation team is getting some extra support – and especially that we can win another woman working in front of the TV camera. "

Fetscherin is alongside Daniela Milanese and Sibylle Eberle, the third woman on the SRF sports moderation team. (Ec)

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