Assad targets rebel stronghold Idlib


Bashar al-Assad

The head of the Syrian state wants to recapture the city of Idlib.

(Photo: AP)

Damascus The Syrian President declared the military reconquest of the northwestern rebel stronghold of the Idlib military priority. "Idlib is now our goal, but not just idlib," Assad told the Tass agency, Russian media on Thursday. In the east, there are areas controlled by terrorist groups such as the Islamic State (IS). The army will advance in all these areas, assad said.

Idlib is one of the last provinces of the civil-land war owned by opponents of the government. More recently, the army has been chasing rebel groups into an offensive in the south of the country. Assad pointed out that he said earlier: "The government's duty is to release every inch of Syrian soil."

Government forces have returned to control vast areas of the country with Russian and Iranian aid in recent months. Russia has supported Assad with aerial bombardments since 2015. Moscow maintains two military bases in Syria.

Assad described the presence of Russia in the region as "important for the military and political balance in the world". "Russia is not a small country, it is a great power, which is why it has the responsibility of the whole world," Assad said. And Russia also bears this responsibility

Experts believe that Russia's military operation will ensure its influence in the Middle East and weaken the US position in the region. In the West, Russia is accused of covering alleged Syrian gas attacks against civilians. The allies of Moscow and Damascus deny it.

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