At least 14 people were killed in an earthquake on the Indonesian holiday island of Lombok


The earthquake at the north end of the island reached the magnitude of 6.4. The victims died early in the morning in the rubble of their homes. Tourists were also awakened on the neighboring island of Bali.

  The earthquake occurred early in the morning when most people were still sleeping, reports the local TV channel Metro TV. Many victims have died in the rubble of their homes. (Photo: Lalu Onank / Social Media / Reuters)

The quake occurred early in the morning while most people were still sleeping, reports the local TV channel Metro TV. Many victims have died in the rubble of their homes. (Photo: Lalu Onank / Social Media / Reuters)

(dpa / afp /) On the Indonesian resort of Lombok, at least 14 people were killed Sunday during an earthquake. The magnitude 6.4 earthquake shook the nearby island of Bali shortly before 7 am.

Many people were surprised in their sleep. Shocks were also felt about 40 kilometers from Bali. There, tourists ran in the panic of their hotels. However, there was no major damage

Among the dead in Lombok, according to the authorities, there is at least one tourist, a hiker from Malaysia. The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (AED) in Bern had no knowledge of the victims of the earthquake in Switzerland. The embassy in Jakarta is in constant contact with the Indonesian authorities, said a spokesman for the Keystone-SDA news agency at EDA.

Most of the victims died in the rubble of their homes. At least 162 people were injured. There is concern that the number of victims is increasing as some areas are now relatively difficult to reach. Governor Zainul Majdi said: "It was a very strong earthquake."

On the Pacific Ring of Fire

Dozens of homes have been completely destroyed or severely damaged. "Our main goal now is to help the victims and save lives," said Civil Protection spokesman Sutupo Nugroho. According to the National Institute of Geophysics, the center of the earthquake was located about 50 kilometers from the island's capital, Mataram, at a depth of 24 kilometers.

Lombok is the smallest island near Bali. For a long time, it was considered an insider tip for people who had become tourists to Bali. In the meantime, many tourists also go there. Indonesia is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, the most geologically active area on the planet. It happens again and again that earthquakes and volcanoes erupt

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