"Badran has a remarkable relationship with Blocher" – News Zurich: City of Zurich


Michael Hermann, the stadium vote gave Zurich a rare show: a duel between the red and green municipalities and their parties. Now the city council has won. Are you surprised?

I was expecting a yes, but its clarity is remarkable. It is much more difficult to get involved in a project of this type than it is against – all the more so if you can supervise it for various reasons: because of the unresolved problem of the hooligan, because of the pretended luxury apartments or because the towers are the Hönggern in perspective. In addition, the excitement of football in Zurich is limited – so it was important to present a project that represents a good compromise. It seems to have succeeded.

When, a few months ago, the PS settled in the no camp and launched its own stadium initiative, the council's project was virtually non-existent. This has even reached a majority in left circles 4 and 5.

After the PS's change of course, the left-wing councilors seemed to have lost heart. Apparently, they believed that the PS delegates' meeting represented the atmosphere in the city. They underestimated their own credibility – especially with such models, the city council has a great reputation.

Apparently, PS voters are moderate compared to the base of the active party.

Absolutely. The political profile of the city of Zurich is not ideologically leftist, but rather socially liberal, which also applies to a large part of the PS's urban electorate. Many PS voters voted for the stadium – otherwise the majority in circles 4 and 5 can not be explained. The urban PS has left the temperate position following the national PS. Thus, she also adopted the attitude of many voters of Zurich SP remote.

The fact that SP and SVP are so numerous is a novelty.Michael Hermann, political geographer

What doctrines should the SP draw from its defeat?

This is a recipe for success for the Swiss SP: he clearly decides to leave and is reluctant to compromise – because he is also much better than his sister parties abroad. But this strategy only works because the PS is a minority nationwide. In the city of Zurich, the left is the majority. There, he needs other recipes because he has to address the heart and the mind, the stock market and the spirit. The SP has long been successful in Zurich. Even at the municipal council, she always used her own strength to make a different self-image from that of the Swiss SP. This is part of Zurich's successful model. The stadium vote was now an attempt to transport the logic of the Swiss SP to Zurich. The attempt failed.

The spokesperson for the opponents at the stadium was SP National Councilor Jacqueline Badran. She is a typical representative of the Swiss SP rhetoric.

There are very few politicians in Switzerland who can convince Jacqueline Badran of their ability to convince. It's huge, what strength she is able to develop with her performance. She does it because she knows first what buttons she needs to press. Secondly, it helps to have a huge ego. There is a striking relationship with Christoph Blocher. You can hardly escape him if you are near him. It is interesting to note that the population reacts in an ambivalent way to such numbers. People cheer when they "show" the establishment. You want these people to serve as corrective, preventive, watchdog. ,,,

Albert Rösti gives an interview at SVP Switzerland in Winterthur. (Photo: Gian Ehrenzeller, Keystone)

So, as a force of opposition.

Yes. The population reacts allergic, if such figures want to acquire a quasi-executive power. We do not want exhibitors so convinced of themselves and their mission of shaping politics. Just as an error in the SVP was the reason why Christoph Blocher could become a federal councilor, so is a misconception in the PS, the reason why Badran could get the interpretation of the sovereignty over the party of the city.

However, the theme of Jacqueline Badran's housing construction policy in Zurich is not just rhetoric of opposition, but the central political theme par excellence.

In fact, in cities with housing shortages, sympathy for non-profit housing is very high. Badrans furor against private investors do not share much. The pragmatic approach of the Zurich cooperatives, who spoke for the project, was apparently closer to the citizens.

Does the SP Zurich now have a credibility problem?

The Zurich SP has lost sight of its role and responsibility. The blatant change from the stadium project's advocate to the no camp also hurt him. The urban PS has become a very pragmatic and reliable party. In this regard, she betrayed the issue of the proven tradition of the urban SP in the stadium.

In addition to the yes at the stadium, the no to the initiative of the SVP in favor of self-determination was clearer than expected. In both cases, the pragmatic center has won. A trend?

For the city of Zurich, SP, as well as for SVP Switzerland, they seem to be dazzled by their success and can not find the measure. This takes revenge now. The fact that these holidays are galloping in this way is something new for me.

Both misjudged the political reality.

Yes. In this context corresponds to the unsuccessful referendum against social detectives, had launched the leftist groups. For the three cases: There were – very different – Bubbles, which led to self-delusion. For social detectives, it was the bubble of the Internet community. Activists on the Net have been overwhelmingly against the model. Then there was the PS delegates' bubble with their anticapitalist logic. And finally, the community bubble Wirtshaussaal has been added. Through his initiative, the Senior Vice President filled the rooms across the country, giving him the impression that hatred against the institution was widespread and that the support received was just as broad. But that's how it happened in my own bubble. We should never be fooled by the atmosphere of the biotope at home. If you do not feel people outside your own bubble, defeats happen like Sunday.

In the canton of Zurich will be elected in four months. Sunday's results say something about the election result?

They confirm the trend that has already shaped the spring municipal elections. Since the 2015 elections in particular, the subject of immigration has become much less important. Voters have some need to correct the legal slide of recent years. However, the social democrats currently benefit less than the Greens. The SP must ensure that the Greens do not exceed it.

Who holds the rank of Senior Vice President?

In the bourgeois spectrum, the FDP is even better placed. While the general vice president weakens, the Liberals appear wide breasts. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 27.11.2018, 08:31 am

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