The Cantonal Bank wants to attract young people with a promotion. In doing so, however, you are having an embarrassing incident, such as research finews.ch show.
Open an account and receive a gift for it. Whether it's a keychain, a sports bag or a movie ticket, such promotions have already been popular with banks. This is what the Cantonal Bank of Freiburg (FKB) probably thought too, while it was a portfolio with dubious design (Photo below) controlled.
The problem: the acronym "A.C.A.B." Handwritten on the handbag in a youthful style, the four letters signify "All cops are bastards", literally "All policemen are bastards". That of a cantonal bank? This is irritating, as shown by the screen capture above, the finews.ch reached at the beginning of the week.
Even punishable
Popular in the punk, hooligan and neo-Nazi scene, the term is punishable in some countries. This is also the case in Switzerland, when it is not addressed in general to the police themselves, but to individual police officers, as shown by a 2015 court decision.
That does not seem to be the case here. of finews.ch Asked about the breach, a spokeswoman for the FKB said the bank regretted this oversight. In the case of advertising wallets for his young clients, one of his unknown abbreviations was unfortunately printed: "We have not noticed the unflattering abbreviation in English and its publication is of course an error on our part . "
The FKB further specifies that all advertising portfolios bearing this mention have already been deleted from the range and would be replaced by a new template. In addition, she announces: "The owners of one of the wallets in question can exchange it for us with another promotional item." The announcement was also posted on the bank's website.
So, not all that meant and not so bad. After all, they are only a few hundred pieces. And of course, you can also understand the following abbreviation: "All communists are beautiful", "Always have a Bible" or "Eight beers with eight cokes". What is more appropriate for a public cantonal bank then remains a matter of taste.
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