Before the NATO summit: Trump sends recovery letters to allies


Prior to the NATO summit next week, US President Trump sent letters to Germany and a number of other allies, according to a press report. In this document he criticized low defense spending.

US President Donald Trump has criticized Germany and other allies ahead of the NATO summit next week, media reports said. In letters to allies, he accuses them of not investing enough money in their own defense, writes the "New York Times" on their home page. In addition, he warned that the United States has lost patience with its breach of promised security commitments

Letters sent in June

The letters had already been sent in June, including to Germany, Belgium, Norway and Canada. As we saw during Angela Merkel's visit in April, the United States is increasingly frustrated by the fact that some allies have not raised funds as promised, writes Trump's letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel. States continue to devote more resources to the defense of Europe, while the continent's economy, including Germany, is doing well and the security challenges are multiple, which n & # 39; 39 is more acceptable to us. "

The conflict could break out again at the top of NATO

Trump is expected to attend the NATO summit in Brussels on July 11 and 12. Washington and Berlin have been fighting for months on defense spending levels within NATO and burden-sharing within the Alliance.In particular, Trump accuses Germany of investing too little in defense. [19659007] The NATO countries had agreed in 2014 to increase their defense spending to 2% of economic output by 2024. The Defense Minister, Ursula von der Leyen, recently released a new target of 1.5% The conflict could break out again at the top of NATO

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