Benalla case: Emmanuel Macron takes responsibility


In the case of his bodyguard Aleandre Benalla, French President Emmanuel Macron would have finally spoken. "The person in charge, the only person in charge, is me and me alone," Macron would have said. He would have said this unexpectedly during a meeting with parliamentarians of his party In March, deputies said on Twitter: "It is I who trusted Alexandre Benalla, that is me who confirmed the sentence, "said Macron. I said. Benalla, according to the chief of staff closest to Macron, had been on leave for fourteen days on May 4 and was finally released from his original duties.

During a police operation on May 1 in Paris, Benalla brutally attacked a protester. He reportedly wore a police helmet and a police armband, although he was not on duty as a police officer. It was only in July that the incidents were known to the public in the media. A lawsuit against the former bodyguard has been ongoing since Sunday.

The Opposition Criticizes Macron's Silence

For Macron, the case is one of the most difficult crises of his tenure. The conservative opposition party The Republicans had harshly criticized him for his silence. She suspects a hiding scandal and considers the punishment against Benalla too low. They also announced a motion of mistrust against the government

The French government had resisted allegations of the opposition Tuesday night. "The individual misconduct of this employee is not yet a national crisis," said Prime Minister Edouard Philippe before the National Assembly. The authorities reacted quickly and imposed a sanction on security staff Macrons, because the allegations against him were known.

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