Berset and Rohani underline the importance of the nuclear agreement


Federal President Alain Berset and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rohani called for the continuation of the nuclear deal after their meeting. Rohani seizes the occasion for an acerbic criticism of the United States

  Federal President Alain Berset (on the right) and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rohani (on the left) Monday in Bern . (Photo: Peter Klaunzer / EPO)

Federal President Alain Berset (right) and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rohani (left) on Monday in Bern. (Image: Peter Klaunzer / EPA)

(nda) / fsr. An agreement and two letters of intent were signed at the meeting of the Iranian and Swiss delegations led by Federal President Alain Berset and Hassan Rohani in Bern on Tuesday. They concerned education, transport and health.

Also in the morning, according to the Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) of Bern, a forum on innovation and industry was opened on food and health. The forum will be hosted by Berset and Rohani, as well as by the Swiss-Iran Chamber of Commerce and the Swiss-Iran Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Central theme: the nuclear agreement

Central topic of Rohani's visit, landed Monday afternoon in Zurich, but was the latest development around the Iranian nuclear agreement closed three years . Since the withdrawal of the United States from the agreement almost two months ago, the international community has sought to save the treaty.

Berset and Rohani stressed the importance of the agreement for the media. Exit from the United States could hinder or challenge progress, Berset said. He said that Switzerland is always ready to play its role of mediator. Rohani said that the agreement was for peace and security and that it was in the interest of all to respect it. US sanctions against Iran are a violation of human rights.

Berset also dealt with human rights. However, it was Switzerland's dialogue with Iran on these issues. It could also be addressed and deepened the differences of opinion, said Berset. This dialogue should be continued. The reciprocal compliments for the good performances of the respective teams at the World Cup in Russia were more inextricable. Rohani also wished luck to Switzerland for his match on Tuesday 24.

At the same time as the conference of Bersets and Rohanis at the Bellevue Palace hotel, about forty supporters of a secular Iran protested in front of the Shiite-Islamic regime of Tehran in front of the Bern railway station. On the banners, an association for human rights and freedom pointed to the thousands of political prisoners and the many executions that took place in the country – facts confirmed by the organization for the defense of rights of the man Amnesty International

. The issue will also be the nuclear deal, supposed to prevent the construction of an Iranian nuclear bomb and, in return, promise a relaxation of sanctions.

Switzerland invites – state visits of the last 25 years

Iranian President Hassan Rohani meets on July 2, 2018 for an official visit to Switzerland. It landed shortly after 4 pm at Zurich-Kloten airport. There he was received by Federal President Alain Berset with military honors. Once the rule is established, the Swiss Confederation would organize exactly one state visit a year. Meanwhile, this rule is softened. A retrospective look at past Swiss state visits. (Photo: Walter Biere / Keystone)
On Wednesday, April 25, 2018, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife arrive for a two-day state visit to Switzerland. For the gala dinner, the gentlemen will appear in a tuxedo on Wednesday evening, the ladies in evening dress (from left to right): Muriel Zeender Berset, Elke Büdenbender, Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Alain Berset. (Photo: Arnd Wiegmann / Reuters)
On January 15, 2017, Chinese President Xi Jinping (right) arrives in Switzerland for a multi-day visit. In the photo: Leuthard and Jinping come out of the Swiss Honor Guard. (Image: Walter Bieri / Keystone)
The official visit of Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa on October 17, 2016, will focus on the implementation of the mass immigration initiative. (Image: Peter Klaunzer / Keystone)
18. February 2016: Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi arrives in Switzerland for a two-day state visit. The visit was initially scheduled for November 2015 but was canceled after an assassination attempt against the Presidential Guard in Tunis.
15. April 2015: President Simonetta Sommaruga receives French President François Hollande with military honors at Bern Cathedral Square. (Image: Goran Basic / NZZ)
20. May 2014: The Italian President, Giorgio Napolitano, stays for two days in Switzerland at the invitation of the Federal Council. (Image: Lukas Lehmann / Keystone)
20. January 2014: Federal President Didier Burkhalter receives South Korean President Park Geun-Hye in Bern. (Photo: Ruben Sprich / Reuters)
15. October 2013: Ueli Maurer – by his side, daughter Sidonia – with Finnish President Sauli Niinistö and his wife Jenni Haukio. (Image: Lukas Lehmann / Keystone)
4. October 2012: Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf and Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski pass in front of the Swiss Armed Forces Honor Guard on the Federal Square. (Photo: Peter Schneider / EPA)
4. October 2011: Sometimes a state visit can be a little relaxing. Indian President Pratibha Devisingh Patil (left) and President Micheline Calmy-Rey take a boat trip on Lake Geneva. (Image: Fabrice Coffrini / AP)
12. May 2011: the King of Spain Juan Carlos I during his second visit to Switzerland to the honor guard of the army. (Image: Lukas Lehmann / Keystone)
26. November 2010: For the first time, a Turkish president visits Switzerland with Abdullah Gül. The visit is dedicated to political reconciliation and economic exchanges. (Image: Michael Buholzer / Reuters)
8. September 2010: German Federal President Christian Wulff misses climatic happiness at the reception of the state. (Image: Steffen Schmidt / EPA)
21. September 2009: Russian President Dimitri Medvedev and Federal President Hans-Rudolf Merz join the Lohn estate in the Bernese Kehrsatz with the special train. (Image: Monika Flückiger / Keystone)
30. October 2008: Pascal Couchepin visits the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich with Hungarian President László Sólyom. (Image: Alessandro Della Bella / Keystone)
2. June 2007: Chilean President Michelle Bachelet (left) also enjoys a boat trip on Lake Geneva with Micheline Calmy-Rey. (Image: Sandro Campardo / Keystone)
5. April 2006: The Norwegian royal couple, Harald V. and Sonja, are greeted by Moritz Leuenberger during a two-day state visit to Bern in the pouring rain. (Image: Edi Engeler / Keystone)
7. September 2006: Austrian Federal President Heinz Fischer and Federal President Moritz Leuenberger leave the Guard of Honor in Bern. The state visit will include discussions on bilateral concerns, the European Union and the jointly organized European Football Championship. (Photo: Lukas Lehmann / Keystone)
28. May 2005: Indian President Abdul Kalam gets acquainted with the Swiss tradition in the Bavarian village of Iseltwald. (Image: Marcus Gyger / Reuters)
15. September 2004: Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski is received in Bern by Joseph Deiss for a two-day state visit. (Image: Monika Flückiger / Keystone)
15. May 2003: Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi travels to Switzerland with his wife Franca. (Image: Karl Mathis / Keystone)
2002: Switzerland and Latvia want to deepen their trade relations and work together as small states at the United Nations. To this end, Kaspar Villiger (center) receives Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga (right) for a state visit to Bern. (Image: Juerg Mueller / Keystone)
29. June 2001: During his visit to Switzerland, Czech President Vaclav Havel (center) is guided to the Rütli at his request. Here he is surrounded by cameras, spectators and President Moritz Leuenberger (right). (Photo: Sigi Tischler / Keystone)
22. November 2000: Federal President Adolf Ogi presents Belgian King Albert II during his state visit to the Neat construction site in Lötschberg. (Image: Lukas Lehmann / Keystone)
17. May 2000: One year after his election, the German Federal President, Johannes Rau, gives Switzerland a three-day state visit. (Photo: Ruben Sprich / Reuters)
8. September 1999: At the invitation of the President of the Confederation, Ruth Dreifuss, Jorge Sampaio, President of the Republic of Portugal, travels to Switzerland for a state visit. (Image: Laurent Gilliéron / Keystone)
25. March 1999: Here, Jiang Zemin, President of China, seems to be in a good mood. But during his visit, Switzerland was seen limping. (Image: Keystone)
29. October 1998: Jacques Chirac (left) and Flavio Cotti leave the guard of honor of the Napoleonic militia from the valley of Blenio to Bellinzona. (Image: Karl Mathis / Keystone)
10. September 1997: Federal President Arnold Koller (left) and Hungarian President Arpad Göncz march on the Bundesplatz's main square in Bern. (Photo: Andras Kegyes / Keystone) to the article

Switzerland invites – state visits of the last 25 years

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