"Blend of departure and stability": Brinkhaus does not see the end of the time Merkel


"We have with Angela Merkel a Chancellor, many of us are envied abroad." Elections in the state of Hesse will not cause a storm at the CDU. On the one hand, "the CDU will grow until the election".

Brinkhaus said the Berlin coalition should be effective, "otherwise the agreement for the Union and the SPD will not be better". We must not stay there with staff debates. An orientation debate in the Union and a change of course of the party on the right rejected Brinkhaus. "CDU and CSU are popular parties, we do politics for the whole population, there is no point in moving the Union in one direction," he said. CSU national group leader Alexander Dobrindt predicted a "conservative revolution" in society.

Better interaction in politics

As a result of the conflicts of recent months, Brinkhaus called for a better agreement with each other in politics. "We have to be careful in politics, controversy is part of politics, but also of respect for opinion, and it is often lost," Brinkhaus said in an interview. "It's not just about content if we want to stand out from the populists on the left and right, it's also about the right style." The CDU politician urged to remain factual, even if the pressure exists to speak a clear language. "We must not go to the level of those who attack democracy," said Brinkhaus.

Volker Kauder's successor also criticized the term "asylum tourism" chosen by the CSU: "In migration policy, one must be cautious in the choice of wording," says Brinkhaus. "Of course, you have to solve the problems, but you have to find the right balance in terms of language." He believes that even in the CSU, "some statements from the past are perceived differently today."

Curb Tax Proposals Altmaier

In the tax reform proposals of the Federal Minister of the Economy, Peter Altmaier Brinkhaus, brakes: "This is certainly not an issue that should be resolved in eight or ten weeks," he said. at the RND. Other issues are more important than a corporate tax reform. "How fast are our approval procedures, what is the quality of our infrastructure, are there commercial spaces, how to convince the best minds in the German world?"

"The corporate tax could be an even bigger factor in the near future, especially with respect to developments in the United States and the United Kingdom," added Brinkhaus. .

Revision of the law of citizenship

Brinkhaus also advocated a revision of the right to dual citizenship. "From time to time, the effects of certain laws need to be checked, and whether the new generous right to dual citizenship does not lead to more people in conflicts of loyalty," said RND's Brinkhaus. . Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Secretary General of the CDU, was previously open to reconsideration. Kramp-Karrenbauer is "absolutely right," said Brinkhaus. However, he has not engaged in a period: "This is an important topic that we are going to talk about."

In the video: How the Young Union failed the Chancellor a little thought

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