British dies after the poisoning of Nowitschok – News International: Europe


British police investigate murder investigation: The 44-year-old Briton, poisoned by Nowitschok neurotoxin, died at the hospital on Sunday night. The wife of 45 years of his wife is still in danger of death.

The two Novitschok victims in the UK were exposed to a "tainted object" during their poisoning on June 30, according to British police. Scotland Yard said the latest tests on the case revealed that.

The case evokes memories of the poisoning of former Russian agent Sergei Skripal at Salisbury in early March, that British sources have also committed with Nowitschok, for which the British government accuses Russia.

Unlike the case of Skripal, British investigators do not expect a targeted attack on the pair, however. The source of Nowichok's poison in the recent case remains unclear.

British Prime Minister Theresa May announced a thorough investigation into the Nowitschok case renewed in the United Kingdom. "The police, I know, will not leave stone in the investigation to clarify the events," said May. The new case was "deeply troubling," May said Thursday at a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Berlin

The incident recalls the poisoning of the former Russian double agent Skripal. Video: Tamedia / AP

Security Minister Reaffirms Claim

Skripal Case Leads to Deep Fracture Between UK and Russia, Moscow Firmly Rejects British Charges . Western allies had solidarized with the government in London. May thanked Germany on Thursday for its "unwavering support after the Salisbury Chemical Weapons Strike".

British Secretary of Security Ben Wallace reiterated Thursday in London that Russia was responsible for the attack on Skripal. He demanded again of the illumination of Moscow. Interior Minister Sajid Javid also demanded that Moscow after the recent case, it was time "that the Russian state explains exactly what happened."
(nlu / sda / afp)

created: 05.07.2018, 23:12

Update to follow …

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