Business conflict: Trump fighting for his constituents


Republican Mike Rounds made a disturbing observation while traveling home in the state of South Dakota. During the consultation hours in her riding, fewer and fewer people came forward with Make America Great Again customers. The MEP in the House of Representatives sees a clear sign that the excitement for Donald Trump is diminishing.

Other representatives and senators from the Midwest as well as other countries with a strong agricultural sector have heard about the frustration of soybean producers and hog producers. They are worried about their existence in the face of trade wars on many fronts. On Wednesday, the Republicans made a joint pilgrimage to the White House to announce their displeasure to the president.

Meanwhile, Tennessee Republican Senator Lamar Alexander and his Democrat colleague Doug Jones of Alabama introduced a bill revisiting trade-related sovereignty. return to the convention. The concrete reason is the concern, the German automaker Daimler, BMW and Volkswagen could shift their production capabilities to Canada, Mexico or China.

. Economic adviser Larry Kudlow briefed Trump ahead of the summit with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on the collapse of US automaker General Motors and Fiat Chrysler. The companies had reported heavy falls in the second quarter and a profit forecast significantly degraded due to higher prices for steel and aluminum due to the penalty. GM fell by eight percent, Fiat-Chrysler by 14 percent.

Trump was impressed by all this when he met the "brutal killer" of Luxembourg can not be speculated. His travel plan talks about it. With the nonspecific pledge of EU soybean skins and $ 12 billion in pledges, he threw himself into the agrarian state hit hard of Iowa on Thursday.

The other indication is the long list of senators and representatives he's been presenting with Juncker. Welcome to the rose garden. Among them were MEPs, who later interpreted the EU's approach as "a step in the right direction".

The insightful Juncker had to be helped by his own combination of punchy calf and jovial style. Both are understood by Trump. Juncker did not doubt that the EU with its 500 million consumers would reward car dealers without compromise.

Preliminary ceasefire

That the change of heart came during the summit is supported by the chilly prelude, the much longer speech and the suddenly joint statement in the rose garden. During the negotiations, the Washington Post published an exclusive story that reported dislocations to the White House. Trump was determined to reverse car traffic.

The EU representation in Washington and the diplomats of the member states had also anticipated. In the background circles, it was said to visit Juncker will probably not come out much. It can not be said anymore. Both parties give up on new trade barriers as long as there is talk of a new version of the TTIP transatlantic free trade agreement

Analysts do not mention the word "deal" used by Trump and Juncker in the rose garden, because the chords do it are nonspecific. That is why the two presidents did not answer the questions of the journalists

How many soy beans and liquefied gas, who will buy, when and at what price, will remain as vague as the l? cancellation of steel and aluminum. There should be working groups. But the time that remains to be negotiated to "eliminate trade barriers and subsidies" is still unclear.

All statements of intent, the value of which, according to analysts, is to have temporarily avoided a trade war; plus a ceasefire that a peace treaty. This gives Trump relief from the congressional elections in November and gives the Europeans time to develop a strategy.

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