Chaos Government of Theresa May and Brexit – News International: Europe


Brexit Prime Minister David Davis, then Foreign Minister Boris Johnson: The two extremists of Brexit leave the government of Theresa May What is the current dispute over the exit of the EU?
The new Brexit strategy was decided Friday According to Davis and Johnson, the cabinet of May contradicts the spirit of the Brexit vote two years ago. According to Prime Minister May's latest plans, Britain is unlikely to abandon the single market and the customs union, Davis said in his resignation letter. In addition, the UK enters a weak bargaining position, from which the government can no longer emerge. May plans include the creation of a free trade zone with the EU for goods and other close relations with the EU. Supporters of the conservative May party reject these economic ties with the EU as a "mild Brexit".

How did Premier May respond to major ministerial resignations?
May joined the UK House of Commons this afternoon to explain her strategy on Brexit. She lamented the withdrawal of Johnson and Davis from his government. However, she referred to the differences of opinion on relations between the United Kingdom and the EU following the Brexit for the coming year. Their goal of maintaining close relations with the EU is protecting jobs and is best for the people, said May.And, "It's the right business for the UK."

Already shortly after the resignation of Brexit Minister Davis Mai appointed a successor: Dominic Raab. Who is the new minister of Brexit?
Raab, 44, is a lawyer and was Secretary of State at the Ministry of Construction. Like his predecessor Davis, Raab is considered a Eurosceptic and a strong supporter of Brexit. The outgoing Brexit minister had promoted Raab's career for years. With the ministerial appointment of Raab, the prime minister is trying to avoid a rebellion of the Brexit extremists in his party.

Eurosceptics and Brexit advocates: Dominic Raab, the new British minister of Brexit. Photo: Keystone

May May succeed in appeasing the hardliners is very uncertain – all the more so as Johnson's toughest critic resigned to cabinet. Johnson had held the weekend in public with critics. In media reports, however, it was said that he called Brexit's new plans as "shit pile". Nevertheless, the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the end of the agreement on the proposed course of May Brexit – until what he announced this afternoon his opinion modified. May wants to announce the new Minister of Foreign Affairs soon. Nevertheless, the collapse of the head of the British government does not seem to be ruled out, as political observers said after the first ministerial resignation.

There is strong opposition to the Conservatives' "Sweet Brexit". What is the Prime Minister's support for his own party?
The role that former Foreign Minister Johnson will play in the recent power struggle is still unclear. The resigned Davis wants, at least according to their own information, can not reverse. Other conservative celebrities have not yet called for the Prime Minister's resignation, but are awaiting a courtesy of May: Jacob Rees-Mogg, who heads a group of about 60-odd-year-olds. extremists of Brexit in the conservative faction of the lower house, said: advises' to reconsider their 'Brexit vision'. However, several Conservative MPs have hinted that they would be wary of May during a vote

What is the likelihood of a vote of confidence in May?
In the House of Commons, the Conservatives have a total of 316 members. At least 15 percent of the conservative faction, 48 deputies, could bring a vote of no confidence. Then, May should put a vote through his 316 deputies. If May lost such a vote, she would have to resign. Downing Street should win such a confrontation – just because most Conservative MPs would consider a further tightening of the government crisis in the final stages of the Brexit negotiations as a disaster. The conflict over Brexit's new strategy does not depend on May's persuasiveness.

Prime Minister Theresa May reconsiders her vision of Brexit: Jacob Rees-Mogg, Conservative MP and chairman of a group of British extremists from the Brexit House of Commons. Photo: Reuters

What are the next steps?
May presented her Brexit plans to Parliament this afternoon, where she only got a very slim majority since last year 's election. And in the evening, she is expected by a group of influential backbenchers from her group. The meeting with the so-called 1922 Committee is considered decisive. Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has already warned May to rely on opposition support in his plans for Brexit.

How did the EU respond to the government crisis in London?
Ministerial resignations in London are not fundamental obstacles to further negotiations on the exit of the United Kingdom. The EU will continue to negotiate "in good faith" with London, a spokesman for the Commission said. The EU wants to stay true to the current timetable. It plans to conclude the talks in October or November, so that the withdrawal agreement can be ratified before the Brexit of March 2019.

The President of the Council of the EU, Donald Tusk, reluctantly reacts to the resignations of Davis and Johnson. "Politicians come and go, but the problems they created for their people remain," said Tusk in Brussels. "The confusion of Brexit is still far from a solution." Tusk had repeatedly argued that Britain could still stay in the EU. And he does not give up hope, as he suggests in a tweet. (Tages-Anzeiger)

created: 09.07.2018, 18:18

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